Saturday, October 2, 2021

MySundaySnack(C)2021 TonyFallon0919



I'm trying to make healthy fish and chips

Not to fry them in butter but oil

I've gone to the store already on two trips

Now I have no aluminum foil

The pan I think is too small  in size

It barely holds all of the whiting

It's too full when I add the fries

When the grease spills over it's lighting

Two hours ago I started the soup

It takes time it's New England chowder

When it bubbled I added a scoop

Of fat free milk made from powder

There is no chowder on earth like mine

I can't wait for it to thicken

Those who eat it say it's divine

That's because I add pork and chicken

The Autumn Leaves©2021TonyFallon0805


The Autumn Leaves©2021TonyFallon0805

No more are the leaves alive on the autumn trees
As the daily heat goes down slowly by degrees
In autumns past it happened it is now routine
The nice green summer foliage has lost its sheen

The birds who sang so sweetly as if in contest
Have since flown away and no longer use their nest
It is now seen in the branches almost unworn
Reminding us in the spring they may well return

The canopy that shielded while the female hatched
Will soon be jettisoned finally unattached
To be tossed through big fields or the valley beyond
Or join other leaves in the bottom of a pond.