Thursday, February 28, 2019

Empty tomorrow ©2019TonyFallon0228

Empty tomorrow 
You know I have loved you for most of my life
At least since I can remember
Then I loved you more once you became my wife
That day long ago in September

Over the years we shared sorrow and delight
And our pains and aches
We were not angry when retiring at night
And we know we both made mistakes

People marry without many directions
Or a "How to do it book"
That would point out corrections
There are more details on how to be a cook

There's no quiz or interviews
A license for a few bucks is all you need 
It's easier to get than one for catching blues
There are no rules and regulations to read

How can a love that sizzled? 
And was so easy to maintain
suddenly have fizzled?
A love I thought would never wane

your coldness came so unexpected
No smiles and your eyes are not aglow
you seem so unconnected
Your heart could be empty tomorrow

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Patrick and Brendan’s Tree ©2019TonyFallon0226

Patrick and Brendan’s Tree

When a wind storm comes to town
You have to be on guard
Big trees can be blown down
And leave a big hole in your yard

We’ve had rain and snow sleet and frost
And finally a gale
Now my neighbors have extra cost
Or fire wood for sale

No more in branches will birds sing
Or will they have shade
No tire on a rope for a swing
Or hide and seek games played

That it fell on neither auto nor abode
Means my neighbors were all sound
While the wild wind blowed
Now there’s one less tree to run around

Monday, February 25, 2019

Jane and I ©2019TonyFallon0225

Jane and I ©2019TonyFallon0225
Jane and I are often called very odd
But we really are like two peas in a pod
The odd thing about us is plain to be seen
I am her king and she is my queen
We buy lottery tickets and we know the gamblers lingo
Wednesday nights you can’t pull us away from Bingo
We love each other and the bright lights
And we go dancing Friday and Saturday nights
We love Karaoke singing country duets
We don’t sing very well but we have no regrets
We rarely go home early life is too exciting
We are not like other couples who are always fighting
Other couples said we love being out with you to two
And we always say we love being with you two too

Feeling Abandoned©2019TonyFallon0222

Feeling Abandoned©2019TonyFallon0222
"I won't write it down I will remember"
That's what you said to me last December
I was talking about our home address 
As you headed out in your evening dress
I said I longed to accompany you
But you just waved your hand and said adieu
I hope you do not have another swain
Driving around in my new All Terrain
The very next day I checked our account
And found you had withdrawn a big amount
By now I am a little bit concerned
I would feel better if you had returned
I am worried I didn't make you content
If you come back I will gladly repent
I rarely complained and I never whined
I though in old age we would be combined.
I am filled with remorse and frustration
and I'm suffering from near starvation
You have no idea how heartache feels
I wish you would come home and cook my meals.

Nature ©2019TonyFallon0221

Nature ©2019TonyFallon0221
Nature had no walls or borders when the world was first designed
nor were there any iron fences to keep man or beast confined
The winds could blow; the river flow and the trees grow very tall
And I'm sure there was noise in the forest whenever one would fall
There was grass and fruit and vegetable so there was no starvation
Even then the strong ruled but without taxation or regulation
There is so much difference between nature and mankind
Are we racing towards a cliff as if we are totally blind?
The world has been here forever and we should enjoy it
Will our generation be the one to forever destroy it?
People act like they invented the blessings nature bestows
But no human who has ever lived could create a rose
Nature not being tampered with can bring us peace and joy
We have to share the wilderness but we should not destroy
That we keep cutting down the trees may lead to our down fall
And if we keep using barrels of gasoline instead of gasohol
Now they want to take oil from sand with water and blasters
Which can causes earthquakes and other man-made disasters
Abandoned oil wells and coal mine are to neighborhoods a blight
Not making money no more gushing oil or tons of anthracite
As long as you are making money no worry about pollution
It's not what you know it's did you make a campaign contribution
All over the world there are fires burning out of control
Deep within our only earth until the pits run out of coal
One of those dirty Russian plumes can be seen from a space station
Meanwhile for miles around there are no animals or vegetation
Some people think information about global warming is flawed
And deny to everybody that the ice caps have ever thawed
We can't go back to simpler times when man roamed earth carefree
And we are barred from Eden because of the apple from the tree
Man pushing the boundaries with nature often collides
when Mother Nature is angry we have winds and high tides
We can build alters and huge churches to our Gods on high
But nature can turn them into rubble in the blink of an eye
If human nature was perfect then I would deduct
that we should be more nature friendly in our daily conduct
Nature had no walls or borders when the world was first designed
nor were there any iron fences to keep man or beast confined.


It's hard to think kindly of nature
When the snow is over two feet deep
The ice outside is like a glacier
And you are so cold you cannot sleep
The forecast called for a mild winter
So I did not cut down enough trees
Most of the cut logs are now cinders
Leaking walls do not block out the breeze
Hidden from us are icy patches
I'm afraid that I might again fall
On my knees I have three old gashes
If I'm down I have no wife to call
Winter is no friend to the feeble
A major threat to our skin and bone
When you burn wood instead of diesel
And you're living in a frigid zone
In this poem all even lines Rhyme 100%
And all odd lines almost Rhyme.
All lines have 9 syllables.

Friends? ©2019TonyFallon0217

Friends? ©2019TonyFallon0217
Most everybody in this town loves you and I have proof
You are never snooty or cranky you never are aloof
All who have already met you have nothing but high praise
I have joined the masses and I have only known you for days
You are very new to this town and in financial danger
Be wary of false friends you could be the perfect stranger
Alas there are people in this town with hearts that are like stones
Who will pretend they are your friend then hit you up for loans
Later you'll find it difficult your capital to collect
Not everybody you trust is as honest as you'd expect
They may use some twisted logic and may even get upset
And say if you hadn't lent them the money they wouldn't be in debt

Looking In©TonyFallon0216

Looking In©TonyFallon0216
We had no phone in Ireland so I had to walk a mile
Just to hear you laugh or to see you smile
I did this daily it must have been for eight years
And when we finished national school we both left there in tears
I was going to the brothers you to the convent
No more sitting in the same desk I was discontent
Yet our romance flourished as we cycled home
Until one day you said you were going o’er the foam
But I had an uncle in America and I asked him to petition
And if maybe he could fix me up with a full time position
It took a long time to get the papers much to my chagrin
I’m physically here in America now no more outside looking in

Drinking© 2019TonyFallon0215

Drinking© 2019TonyFallon0215
If I ever said I loved you I was being untrue
I must have been drunk if I said that to you
How we ever got together is still mysterious
I must have been on LSD and was delirious
I remember being in a bar I remember you arriving
You said we went out that night I hope I wasn’t driving
You said I agreed to marry without any pre-nup contract
If I ever said that to anyone that I’m going to detract
I do remember you saying hello and giving me a hug
Maybe when I wasn’t watching in my drink you put a drug
You can sue me all you want there will be no ceremony
No matrimony, no palimony and definitely no alimony

The Fire is Out©2019TonyFallon0212

The Fire is Out©2019TonyFallon0212
It's so hard to write about the good times when you are sad
It's easier to write about the bad times when you're glad
When the gloom of sadness descends it's hard to remember
Memories have become as useless as a cold ember
The flames were like a bonfire but the light was short and brief
The intensity of those moments have changed into grief
Elvis has left the building the flames of true love extinct
The hearts that once beat so wildly no longer are they linked



…..How do you write about ego,
……..without sounding egotistical?

You said I had a big ego
I have a right to, I’m from Sligo
I call it a superiority complex
Which I find hard to keep in check
I don’t consider this a defect
All my writing is spell checked
Over and over until it’s correct
That’s as close as I can get to perfect
I check them all for verbs
And my friends praise me in blurbs
All my poems have proper titles
And people want autographs at recitals
I have the right case for nouns
And the correct spelling for towns
I don’t care how often you chide
I have my dignity I have my pride

Old Age©2019TonyFallon0210

Old Age©2019TonyFallon0210
I just looked in the mirror yesterday and got an awful scare
The last time I looked I had twice as much hair
That time my now dull eyes were bright and shiny
And the big wart on my nose that time was tiny
My beard of course is longer because I do not shave
I haven’t been to the barber so my hair will not behave
Some of my teeth are missing gold and silver fillings
I would never go to the dentist I cannot stand the drillings
I saw my red and rosy cheeks’ are beginning to sag
I looked at my right eye again and I swear I saw a bag
I felt for the cute dimple I used to have in my chin
It is now covered with fat and leathery tough old skin
My once normal size nose suddenly seems to be growing
I have a lot of allergies it could be from all the blowing
My ears were the proper size and adequately held up my shades
Now they are so ugly I’ll have put up my hair in braids
I decide to check my arms instead of muscles now there’s fat
And my former bulging chest has now turned very flat
I picked up the barbell in the garage later trying to do a squat
Whatever muscles I have in my back turned into a knot
I was not a beef eater or beer drinker so I had no big beer belly
What once I could keep inside my pants has turned into jelly
I’m finally sagging and drooping this old age is really a farce
Thank God I didn’t have two mirrors I’m afraid to look at my (behind) (a**e)
The doctor said my once sleek sexy body is starting to decline
That I should pack in the job and get more sleep its time to resign
There’s no moral to this poem because I’m not a sage
But if there’s one thing to avoid in life I’d vote for old age.

Being Sad ©2019TonyFallon0209

Being Sad ©2019TonyFallon0209
It's not my fault if you're unhappy
And all of your comments are snappy
If you want to be moody that's okay 
I will come back some other day
The trip you are taking leaves me weary
I know each day we can't be cheery
I've taken this trip with you before
And got so little thanks for the chore
You say in love you are unlucky
I told you to forget the girl from Kentucky
That she'd cause you nothing but aches
You keep making the same mistakes
You never listen to anyone's advice
And keep making decisions that are unwise
Misery and you are often a pair
But I'll not be a partner to your despair
You keep saying you'll turn a new leaf
But you only do what causes you grief
When you are happy being sad
Then you are not a good comrade


Every winter day, when I go on my way
I'm afraid that I might slip
If the ice I don't see, and hurt my knee 
Or dislocate my hip
I have fallen twice, on black ice
They didn't put down salt
It was so cold, and I'm so old
It was not my fault
They said I was rude, because I sued
For my medical expenses
They amount I got, was not a lot
There's salt now as soon as snow commences.

The Ego of a Child©2019TonyFallon0207

The Ego of a Child©2019TonyFallon0207
A nun once told me that I thought I was great
I’d just written my first wild story I was only eight
Now is that the proper thing to say to an eight year old kid?
If I had known better I would have said it was my id
Of course what she was saying was that I was conceited
Going back to my desk I felt shaken and defeated
I seriously thought since I wrote it I deserved some praise
Jesus had four guys with notebook writing down every phrase
And you can’t say they weren’t conceited and very farsighted
Every word that Jesus said they had it legally copyrighted
I wonder if they were writing and missing prayers some nights
I wonder if before going to heaven he gave them publishing rights
I don’t know if even to this day from that shock I have fully recovered
And it doesn’t help at all that I have never been discovered.
It’s very scary for nuns to think of a youth with egotism
It’s not the student’s job to write wild stories just read the catechism

The Odd Couple©2019TonyFallon0205

The Odd Couple©2019TonyFallon0205
They were as odd a couple as I've ever seen
She was happy and contented and he was just mean
Now I do not mean stingy I mean unhappy
Hot tempered and vile and his answers were snappy
In polite conversation he was always annoyed
He thought everybody hated him he was paranoid
He always was borrowing which he never returned
They say he stole the turf which in winter he burned
When the thrasher came in autumn he never appeared
When they were digging new graves he never volunteered
She said I will not be bossed I will not be controlled
There's work to be done and I will not nag you or scold
For most of his griping and moaning she did not reply
She had vegetables in the garden and pigs in the sty
He knew the pecking order and he always said” yes dear"
He was so lazy at the store he'd let her carry his beer
Yet for all of their differences the marriage survived
She was a conscientious worker and the little farm thrived
They have three lovely children who took after the mother
She's been putting on weight there might soon be another


When I wake up in the morning memories flash in my mind
Of when I first left Ireland and the friends I left behind
As I've gone on life's journey great people have departed
Many of them have left me sad, for you I'm broken hearted
You were honest to a fault considerate and so kind
The beautiful things on this earth bring your image to my mind
I've see suns rise over mountains and set o'er many oceans
A swan flying at sunset bring back bittersweet emotions
When people climb their little mountain they are content
Others never try to reach the top and sadly lament
I had climbed my mountain already but I'd missed the view
And I knew it was not near as good before I met you

The pitter patter of the rain brings back memories of yore
And days we spent together on the Mayo and Sligo shore
I'd see a deer bound in a meadow and stay frozen in a leap
I see you dancing in my dreams both awake and asleep
When I hear the birds singing I'm reminded of your face
And the smiles of audiences when you sang Amazing Grace
You were so natural in your ways no ego or pretension
All wanted you to be a friend the center of attention
I see our lovely children just like you with many ambitions
They love the Irish music I think they will be musicians
Me, I'm always chasing rainbows and I will until I'm old
Maybe I'll catch a leprechaun and you'll be his pot of gold.


If it wasn’t for the cold and rain
The sleet the ice and snow
No one would complain
And we would not be driving so slow
Of course that does not include drivers
Who have four wheel drive
Who may not be survivors
When they are doing seventy five
SUV’s are made of plastic and tin
There are batteries rubber and steel
Humans are made of bones and skin
So be careful when you are behind the wheel

Monday, February 4, 2019



I’m almost like the Blues Brothers on a mission
I’ve written a poem for a competition
I’m double checking the spelling and the rhyme
And it’s taking up a whole lot of my time
When I try to write other poems I cannot focus
Thank god it was not like this with Moses
I came up with this idea last week
Every one who hears it says it’s unique
Alas with this one poem I’ve become obsessed
I keep correcting so it’ll be the best
Meanwhile I’m missing new poems in my blog
Because half the time I’m like I’m in a fog
I’m definitely three or four behind
I’ve got to get this concern out of my mind.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

My squaw©2019TonyFallon00202

My squaw©2019TonyFallon00202

I met a girl from Arizona that should end my search
She owned a forest in Oregon full of oak and birch
That’s not the end of my troubles you must think again
For every problem I have she has at least ten
You know I have problems with English grammar
When she loses her temper she goes for the hammer
A two by four an iron bar or any thing that’s handy
And she often did this in front of my uncle and my auntie
Yet when she’s not angry my life is full of thrills
She has loads of money and I have loads of bills

She was the only daughter of her Wicklow Irish paw
Who panned for gold in the west and met an Indian squaw
Just as her father was about to separate his scalp from his brains
And throw whatever was left to the howling wolves on the plains
They had one only daughter and she inherited a half a million trees
And her wood is shipped on her sailing boats all over the seven seas
The smallest thing will set her off she’s very temperamental
She says she doesn’t care if I come or go she’s no way sentimental
Yet when she’s not angry our lives are full of thrills
And I would never divulge what happens when we go up in the hills