Sunday, March 31, 2019

Just Love©2019TonyFallon0331

Just Love©2019TonyFallon0331

I hope I can give you more love
Than could any other one
That we shall have blessing from above
On this life we’ve just begun

The occasion is so monumental
The dangers so great
The meeting often accidental
Yet too in love to wait

We know our love is not ordinary
As this day we celebrate
I promise my love this day we marry
To say it I will never hesitate

Friday, March 29, 2019

The image©2019TonyFallon0329

The image©2019TonyFallon0329
The first time I saw you I was on the bridge
You were looking towards the ocean far below
The sun was setting behind a western ridge
And you looked glorious in the evening glow
I stood there frozen reluctant to recede
Wishing I had wings to be by your side
But mortal men to fly has not been decreed
No more than can we men ever stop the tide
By the time I climbed down to the seashore
The scene down there was just as I had feared
No chance for introduction or rapport
The sun and you had already disappeared
That image has remained within my soul
Many lonely years so sadly gone and spent
The scene I often times remember and extol
I do not even have a snapshot to augment

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Unrequited Love©2019TonyFallon0328

Unrequited Love©2019TonyFallon0328

Oh woe is me today who has loved someone and mourned 
For the love professed to her has not been returned
She came in trouble professing her absolute trust
There is so much difference between love and lust

At first she seemed so baffled and befuddled
She wanted so much by me to be cuddled
The gallant never turns away the maiden in distress
Then weeks later pays dearly for that first caress

She recounted how much she had been wronged
She knew for her company I had often longed
My love she sought at first was just part of a rebound
The one she hated so much then, is still hanging around

When she said she was going back I felt so betrayed
The promises of commitment were part of a charade
In her hour of need that she came I was so delighted
But what I had expected was not love unrequited

Saturday, March 23, 2019



I'm thousands of miles from Erin's Isle
I'm at the age where I'm going senile
I often repeat things more that twice

About my past and I'm not always precise
My kids don't believe me about my Irish youth
Most time I am telling them the Gospel truth
I tell all who listen about my younger deeds
Driving motorcycles at excessive speeds
We lived in Rahara in Barnacullen
But we often visited our cousins in Ardmullen
I remember Funshinagh the disappearing Lake
And the fresh pike we used to fry and bake
Thousands of fish were left there to die
On the day the lake finally went dry
Cycling up to Ardmullen there was many a hill
Which kept you warm in the winter chill
From the top of that hill you had an incredible view
Especially if the sun was shining and the sky was blue
I remember the Shannon about five miles away
And many visitors with boats in Hudson Bay
I'll never forget slightly foggy nights 
As you'd see the glow of Athlone's town lights
Coming down the hill you'd better have a brake
Or you and the bicycle would wind up in the lake.
I hope you enjoyed this little tale
Of Ardmullen's hills and Barnacullen's vale

Getting ready©2019TonyFallon0323

Getting ready©2019TonyFallon0323

This spring in New York we've had snow and rain
Weeds and wild flowers and crocuses cover the terrain
The grass is getting longer and the tractor will not start
I've spent days working on it and it nearly broke my heart
Before I put the key in the ignition I put air in the tires
And used my compressor to blow dust off the wires
I checked all the belts and not even one was frayed
And because one was bent I changed the outside blade
I also checked for bare or worn wires in great detail
Making sure in the future the wires wouldn't spark or fail 
I've changed the plug and cleaned out the carburetor
And I may have called it names that insulted my creator
I emptied out the tank no one can call me a miser
And filled it with high test gas then added stabilizer
I charged up the battery checked the points and coil
And when I pulled out the dipstick it says it's full of oil
I turned the key so often the battery did discharge
So now I'm using the one from my car which is large
When dealing with batteries you must use protections
And make sure the cables make the right connections
When using starting fluid great caution is required
I must have put too much in and the bloody thing backfired.
It only burned the hair on my hand and singed my shirt
I used no more starting fluid and from then on was alert
Well I gave up on the tractor and got my Weed Whacker
And cut an awful amount of grass by God it is no slacker,

Friday, March 22, 2019

Not uptight©2019TonyFallon0322

Not uptight©2019TonyFallon0322

When you said goodbye yesterday you had no remorse
All your energy was aimed at a quicky divorce
For the last few months your actions left me so confused
No sad flood of emotions in my heart were unloosed

Months ago had you said that word I would be stricken
And my pulse and heartbeat would definitely quicken
But now I did not feel grouchy hostile or uptight
In fact I am looking to the future with delight

You constantly criticizing me made me feel flawed
You acted perfect but you really are a fraud
So if you think that I'm depressed I can certify
I do not feel neglected in fact I'm riding high

Thursday, March 21, 2019



If love is contagious
Then many love the disease
To love is courageous
There are no guarantees

To be in love you must trust
And in one person believe
Be prepared to adjust
To give and to receive

To love you must be prepared
To leave ego at the door
Every thing has to be shared
You're not single anymore

True love may cost no money
It can often affect your health
If you're not true to your honey
Its ending could cost you wealth

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The old days©2019TonyFallon0318

The old days©2019TonyFallon0318

While growing up in Ireland it was easy to be humble
Besides if you weren't happy it did no good to grumble
Patience was a virtue and it was a sin to have any pride
Punishable by a few whacks of a sally rod on you backside

While growing up in Ireland we were poor and didn't know it
We rarely shopped for food whatever we'd eat we'd grow it
My father flatly refused to buy me a stereo or a TV
He said he might buy one of them as soon as we got electricity

While growing up in Ireland I wanted more than just radio
I wanted to see the picture that went along with the audio
I thought by using dynamos you could save enough power 
on batteries, to watch Telefeis Eireann for at least an hour

While I was growing up in Ireland we would sow the spuds in May
Spray them in June and in July help each other save the hay
All summer long we'd be cuttin' or footin' or stacking in the bog
Cycling on bicycles nine miles both ways it was a tough old slog

While I was growing up in Ireland I loved Cidona and Lucozade
And when the carnival came to the local town they'd have a parade
They'd have sugar stick and ice cream for which you would longingly yearn
An hour later the motion of the rides would make your stomach turn
While I was growing up in Ireland I had to toe the invisible line
Even if the rules weren't fair it did no good at all to complain or whine
You did what you were told without question there were no other ways
We didn't know any better then so I guess "those were the good old days"



Hate can be inherited
Or hate can be bred
Give a child to some religious leaders
They’ll install hate in his head

Parents can teach
Hatreds of the past
In actions and speech
So another mind is biased

The mantra of the evil
A young mind soured
The work of the devil
The work of the coward

Saturday, March 16, 2019



I’m mad about Roscommon as proud as I can be
Surrounded by rivers but doesn’t touch the sea
The longest county from Clonmacnoise to Carrick
And from Ballaghadereen to the Costume Barrack
It has more bridges than Venice or Angola
I’m surprised they don’t have at least one gondola
There are few steel bridges most are made of stone
One is in Lanesboro and there are two in Athlone
On the river banks and bogs grows fine flora
And the wool on their sheep is better than angora
There are rivers ponds and many sizes of lakes
To accommodate the wild geese duck and drakes
Tourists come on vacation to fish or go boating on Lough Ree
Or take a historic walk on the land around Lough Key
People come yearly from many far off places
To come to Lanebane to bet the annual horse races
Natives flock to Hyde Park to watch the county talent
Even though the lose an odd game they are gallant
Hero’s who are legends O’Malley Murray Early
Feeley’s Shines ,Jack McQuillan Eamon Curley
Men who spent their life toiling like Dan O’Rourke
My own Rahara cousin the runner Paddy Groarke
We’ve had great writers who wrote books and plays
And famous poets who wrote poetry prose and essays
We had many noted politicians who were residents
And a few of our people even became presidents
A Rossie was the first man elected to the first Irish Dail
Plunkett was for Sinn Fein and not for Fianna Fail
Lough Funshinagh is the biggest world lake to go dry
And whenever that happens there are loads of pike to fry
On a back road in Roscommon is a Cromleck out of view
And a mass rock on a hillside its location know by few
There are many St Bridget’s wells with permanent springs
And we have Rathcroghan the home of the O’Connor Kings
There are old castles and churches and many other landmarks
And old historic buildings for viewing in many public parks
Whether I’m daydreaming or sleeping it all seems so close to me
And I often think about Rahara in Roscommon far across the sea

Thursday, March 14, 2019

The Question©2019TonyFallon0314.

The Question©2019TonyFallon0314.
I know you have lots of affection
So save a fairly big bit for me
I love your fine wholesome complexion
Lets meet in the library at three
You said you have one final question
You are not all alone in your quest
I also have one for this session
Am I to be second or the best?
You said I am only one of two
In the running to be more secure
For me being second will not do
Do not treat me like I'm immature.

Monday, March 11, 2019



When the clock started ringing
I felt awful drowsy
To the blanket I was clinging
And I felt quite lousy

That the clock was “springing” ahead
I somehow had ignored
I was losing an hour in my bed
Which I could not afford

I tried to look out the window pane
I couldn't it was frosted
This is just inhumane
I felt so exhausted

I hate the day and I hate the night
They took away an hour
That's not right
I'm not happy in fact I'm dour

Now that they took it away
Just sustain
This longer sunny day
I don't want to “fall back" again



There are people whom I know
For cash they have no regards
They never have any dough
They survive on credit cards

They have not been though hard times
Never saw a day of want
Don't care for nickels or dimes
Eat lunch in a restaurant

They never had to eat burnt toast
Because there was no more bread
Or be ashamed to be the host
Or ever go to sleep unfed

They never wore socks with holes
Or pants seats that were ripped
Nor shoes with worn soles
Or hair that wasn't neatly clipped

When they get a cup of latte
I feel like being sarcastic
They do not have fives to pay
They just whip out the plastic

Dollars were a man's ranking
It indicated success
Now there's no need for banking
Just Visa or Am Express.

Above is syllable checked.

There are some people whom I know
For cash they have no regards
They never have any real dough
They survive on credit cards

They have never been though hard times
Never saw a day of want
Don’t care about quarters or dimes
Always eat in a restaurant

They never had to eat burnt toast
Because there was no more bread
Or be ashamed to be the host
Or go to sleep unfed

They never wore socks with holes
Or pants that were ripped
Nor shoes with worn soles
Or hair that wasn’t clipped

If they buy a cup of latte
I feel like being sarcastic
They do not have two dollars to pay
They just whip out the plastic

Wads of dollars used to be a man’s ranking
It indicated success
Now there’s no need for banking
Just have Visa or American Express.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Aunt Mary Kate ©2019TonyFallon0309.

Aunt Mary Kate ©2019TonyFallon0309.

Aunt Mary Kate was born in Ardmullen in Roscommon
Her maiden name was Fallon which there is so common
She was half Daly that maiden name was her mother’s
She wound up with four sisters and four brothers
If she stood outside the house of Mister Mannion
She could see miles away the lovely river Shannon
During her formative years there were great fears
As the Black and Tans fought the Irish volunteers
A few years later they heard rifles firing in the civil war
As they walked the narrow road to the school in Farmore
She met a man named Coyne and she became his spouse
And raised a family near Brideswell in a lovely house
Her children grew up healthy without sickness or disease
But without any work in Curraghboy they all went overseas
Many descendants now live in Bristol the home of many Gaels
Ten miles across the water from the country of Wales
While some went off to England to different ports of call
Others went to Niagara New York by the great big waterfall
Kathleen Tom and P.J. made it their home to live and to toil
And now there are three generations born on American soil
Some have gone farther to California and gaze out on the Bay
And dream of visiting our little island six thousand miles away
None of them have ever been in Ireland likewise Derryglad
And it is only pictures they have seen of the old home of my dad
They dress up from head to toe to march in St Patrick’s Parade
They listen to my weekly radio show to hear an Irish serenade
Three years ago when Westmeath wanted part of our Athlone
They signed many petitions and called friends on the phone
When people hear we have fifty million Irish they don’t understand
Three generations from Roscommon there’s a bond with Ireland

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Back to Basics©2019TonyFallon0307

Back to Basics©2019TonyFallon0307
Odds almost rhyme Evens rhyme

She said she was going back to basics 
And I was so happy
I said I hope you don't try people's patience
Asking them to give up the diaper for the nappy

She said I was thinking more along the lines
Of me going back to being real single
Because you seem so unhappy sometimes
Maybe try the singles bars and mingle

That was not the perfect solution
But I had to agree to the plan
It was more of a nuisance 
I don't know how to use the micro or the pan

Alas I was remiss in my mission
The security I did not provide
She was not satisfied with kissing
She wanted to be my bride

I said I'd move to the sofa
So long as she'd continue to cook
I would no more be her Casanova
But I could read up on my cooking book

She has found my limitations
I do not want to be contained
I'm not offering any deceptions
Nor do I want to be enchained

Monday, March 4, 2019

The Snow©2019TonyFallon0304

The Snow©2019TonyFallon0304

The frigid wind blew down our street like so many times before
Setting off the alarm and siren in the back of the store
This long winter has to have been one of the most consistent
The rain, low temperatures and snows have been quite persistent
It started in early fall it's been at it since October
I wish we would have just one big storm and let it be over
I have already used bags of salt and this thing called Quick Melt
I must have lost ten pounds and I've punched a new hole in my belt
I think I am too old for all this shoveling and sweeping
The only good thing about it I have no problem sleeping
With the boiler constantly going and frequent storms forming
Sometimes it is hard to believe about this global warming
I know that to many people that's a subject for review
And for many so called experts it's a subject that's taboo

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Another dream©2019TonyFallon0302

A few days ago a guy told me THE worst worst worst joke I ever heard in my life.It was not dirty just pure pure stupid. And I'm sure it took him 12 minutes to tell it and that was with me begging him to hurry up at least five times. I know by now you are feeling sorry for me, but guess what I got one tiny little idea from it and I wrote this poem. I hope you don't think it's the worst poem you ever read.

Another dream©2019TonyFallon0302

I dreamt I was driving and got pulled over by a trooper
The excuse he used to ticket me certainly wasn't proper
I was drinking coffee and munching on my cinnamon bun
I said "for Gods sake officer will you put away your gun?"

I was just about to begin my complaining and whining
He said “when I'm on duty there will be no highway dining"
He said” you know coffee or tea can have many side effects
You might start hallucinating and see very strange objects"

"With many cups of coffee you could be disoriented
If you should hit a fire hydrant your bumper will be dented"
The man in blue argued that caffeine was like a narcotic
Which could lead to going crazy or at least be psychotic? 

He reminded me the kitchen is the place to have a meal
I know this is a dream I think it's getting too surreal 
He said I was being arrested I was devastated
I asked him if my car was going to be confiscated

He said it would have to be towed to the nearest gas station
And how to get it back would be printed on my citation
He put me in handcuffs and processed me at a local jail
Then let me go in half an hour without charging any bail

When I finally did get back the car had not yet been towed
So I put the key in the ignition and I hit the road
Because my car had not be taken I did not pay a tow
I was beginning to think I was on the Candid Camera show

Later when the judge looked at the ticket he began to laugh
Right beside was a receipt that said the coffee was decaf
That's the great thing about fantasy is you can be redeemed
Where terrible things are not reality just merely dreamed

Friday, March 1, 2019

Casey’s Bar.197?

Casey’s Bar.197?
By bike and car, 
From near and far,
They gather every night
To have a pint of Guinness the working man’s delight.
They come in from Bushfield , Killeen and Cloonlyon,
There’s Kelly’s, Lundy’s and Leeches and everyone is buying.
There’s some from Hagfield and Culmore and more are coming in,
There’s Lennon, Freyne, Harringtonn and here comes Jimmy Quinn.
There are people here for Christmas from Dublin, Galway and Cork
A good few over from England, and a couple from New York.
There’s Paddy in the corner telling stories oh so tall,
And Jim and Jack are throwing darts at a board upon the wall.
Now there’s talk of starting up a friendly game of cards,
And making sure the goose is won before they see the Guards.
Out in the back room right beside the Gents
They are playing that new game called pool for only ten new pence.
There are friendly people here each night as fine as you could know
From the finest County in the land the County of Mayo
So if per chance you are thirsty when you are passing through
There is a spot where you should stop and have a pint or two.
Six miles or so from Swinford your money you put down
In Casey’s Bar ,in Church Street, in good old Charlestown.