Saturday, March 9, 2019

Aunt Mary Kate ©2019TonyFallon0309.

Aunt Mary Kate ©2019TonyFallon0309.

Aunt Mary Kate was born in Ardmullen in Roscommon
Her maiden name was Fallon which there is so common
She was half Daly that maiden name was her mother’s
She wound up with four sisters and four brothers
If she stood outside the house of Mister Mannion
She could see miles away the lovely river Shannon
During her formative years there were great fears
As the Black and Tans fought the Irish volunteers
A few years later they heard rifles firing in the civil war
As they walked the narrow road to the school in Farmore
She met a man named Coyne and she became his spouse
And raised a family near Brideswell in a lovely house
Her children grew up healthy without sickness or disease
But without any work in Curraghboy they all went overseas
Many descendants now live in Bristol the home of many Gaels
Ten miles across the water from the country of Wales
While some went off to England to different ports of call
Others went to Niagara New York by the great big waterfall
Kathleen Tom and P.J. made it their home to live and to toil
And now there are three generations born on American soil
Some have gone farther to California and gaze out on the Bay
And dream of visiting our little island six thousand miles away
None of them have ever been in Ireland likewise Derryglad
And it is only pictures they have seen of the old home of my dad
They dress up from head to toe to march in St Patrick’s Parade
They listen to my weekly radio show to hear an Irish serenade
Three years ago when Westmeath wanted part of our Athlone
They signed many petitions and called friends on the phone
When people hear we have fifty million Irish they don’t understand
Three generations from Roscommon there’s a bond with Ireland

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