Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The old days©2019TonyFallon0318

The old days©2019TonyFallon0318

While growing up in Ireland it was easy to be humble
Besides if you weren't happy it did no good to grumble
Patience was a virtue and it was a sin to have any pride
Punishable by a few whacks of a sally rod on you backside

While growing up in Ireland we were poor and didn't know it
We rarely shopped for food whatever we'd eat we'd grow it
My father flatly refused to buy me a stereo or a TV
He said he might buy one of them as soon as we got electricity

While growing up in Ireland I wanted more than just radio
I wanted to see the picture that went along with the audio
I thought by using dynamos you could save enough power 
on batteries, to watch Telefeis Eireann for at least an hour

While I was growing up in Ireland we would sow the spuds in May
Spray them in June and in July help each other save the hay
All summer long we'd be cuttin' or footin' or stacking in the bog
Cycling on bicycles nine miles both ways it was a tough old slog

While I was growing up in Ireland I loved Cidona and Lucozade
And when the carnival came to the local town they'd have a parade
They'd have sugar stick and ice cream for which you would longingly yearn
An hour later the motion of the rides would make your stomach turn
While I was growing up in Ireland I had to toe the invisible line
Even if the rules weren't fair it did no good at all to complain or whine
You did what you were told without question there were no other ways
We didn't know any better then so I guess "those were the good old days"

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