Monday, April 30, 2018

The Break up Part 2 043018

The Break up Part 2 043018

Just about a year ago when we first chanced to meet
I thought I had found someone to make my life complete
There were so many, many things we both liked and shared
To spend my life with you I certainly was prepared

But as the months went on I saw so many warning signs
When things don't fill your wants and needs you are the kind that whines
You constantly corrected my nouns and verbs and grammar
And I think that you're embarrassed with my little stammer

I do not know what happened or why you quickly flipped you lid
You still haven't told if it was something terrible that I did
It would have been better if you had exploded like a bomb
Instead of sitting there inside the window silent and calm.

You changed the lock last night on the door and me without a coat
But you are the one outdoors tonight and I don't want to gloat
To try to throw me out of my place you must be demented
You have no legal claim to it you do not even rent it

To find myself thrown out of my own house was a big surprise
I must be blinded by your beauty you opened up my eyes
You can sleep in the basement for a week do not talk or wave
Let this be a lesson for you and you'll learn how to behave.

This poem is a follow up to another poem of a few days ago entitled The Break Up.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

The Garden of Eden© TonyFallon042918

The Garden of Eden© TonyFallon042918

I wonder if there were vegetables in Eden or just fruit
There must have been birds Adam did not give a hoot
I don’t know about fowl like hens or a duck or a drake
I doubt if there were mice or rabbits because of the snake

Adam wasn’t happy with a garden he wanted the whole farm
So I guess he thought if both ate the apple it would be no harm
Adam may have worried without red meat of getting anemia
Eve watched her figure the first woman ever to practice bulimia

God was very angry and would not give them a pardon
I never found out what car he used to drive them from the garden
Most men I’ve ever talked to about Eden lay the blame on Eve

They don’t think it was for eating apples they were asked to leave

Friday, April 27, 2018

The Break up © Tony Fallon 042718

The Break up © Tony Fallon 042718

You mistook devotion for addiction and threw me by the curb 
And put a real ugly sign on the door "Please do not Disturb"
Between what is real and what you feel there is a big contrast
It's like you were to compare our own Dublin city with Belfast

We should have had a good old drawn out fight and behave civilized
You could have told me what I did and I would have apologized
When I went off to work this morning you were serene and cheery
You to change into such an evil thing so quickly is eerie

I was wondering why there was no answer any time I phoned
Now I am so happy the wedding day was so often postponed

For all the nice things I have done from you there is no gratitude
And since I happen to own the house I don't like your attitude
The man you swore you'd love forever and ever is now provoked
And when the police get here your invitation will be revoked

Thursday, April 26, 2018

The Connemara Play.042617.

The Connemara Play.042617.

For the Spring Eileen is onto a play in Connemara
Because there is nothing happening in Lisdoonvarna
It’ll be heavy on clichés comedy and farming facts
It doesn’t have a name yet but it will only have three acts
She’s trying to get me over from America as an actor
Teaching a Connemara young one to drive a tractor
Sure I haven’t driven a tractor in over forty years
And this dam ould tractor has only two good gears
I forgot to ask her if one of those gears is a reverse
I don’t want to go to Commerara and wind up in a hearse
It probably has no brakes so I could also get drowned
And my body flow out into the Ocean and never be found
I might be better off trying to teach her donkey and cart
Eileen says I’ll never leave Connemara she’ll win my heart
I told Eileen that could very easily lead to a glitch
I don’t care if she’s young or old as long as she’s rich.
To go to Ireland soon I’m only looking for an excuse
So I better go to the union hall and pay my dues.

The Weather© Tony Fallon042618

The Weather© Tony Fallon042618

This morning the clouds touched the Catskill hills
I was in the valley amongst some shivering daffodils
I have a garden of crocuses I want to replant
They still haven’t bloomed this year yet so I can’t
We know that in the winter we can expect it to be bleak
But it should be more spring like in April’s fourth week
There still snow up there where the trees give shade
People living up there must have nerves that are frayed
This year we’ve had a cold late and mean spirited spring
Not even the song birds I have seen have started to sing
I don’t see new nests in any of the leafless trees
As the temperature struggles to get to sixty degrees
I’m afraid to sow seeds because plants could be lost
With weather like this we could still get a late frost
Nobody is out watering the lawn with a hose
And everybody is still wearing their winter clothes
Last October was so mellow they were cutting hay
Six months later to sow vegetables we have to wait ‘til May

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The young man© Tony Fallon 042518

The young man© Tony Fallon 042518

This evening I met a young man so sad
He felt that his family had treated him so bad
There were five siblings before and five behind
And he felt that his parents had not been so kind

While he was in the army many things he learned
And in civilian life every thing he has he earned
On all of the others life had not been so hard
Whether real or imagined this young man is scarred

He has a salary a telephone a girlfriend and a car
He lives forty miles away from his job that is far
I’m afraid this anger will continue to smolder
This young man has a chip on his shoulder

I told him until he got a better job to persevere
That maybe a bank would hire him as a cashier
For any more information I did not delve
It was time to go already it was nearly twelve

Monday, April 23, 2018

Our Pet Peeves© Tony Fallon 042318

Our Pet Peeves© Tony Fallon 042318
The subject this week is like opening a can of worms
The one thing I’ll probably die of is an attack of germs
You are given this one opportunity to bitch and complain

Where we can talk about neurotic thoughts in our brain 
I have so many pet hates I don’t know where to begin
I don’t like those little potatoes served with the skin
I don’t like fried onions they have a kind of enzymes
They are also like oranges no other word that rhymes
If they sit next to my cinnamon bagel I will get the scent
I will eat my bagel after I air it but I will not be content
What was God thinking of when he created green beans
He must have had another off day with most other greens
The only vegetable we both like is the humble lettuce
We don’t like cabbage or sprouts we don’t let that upset us
Did you notice when you’re driving on long winter nights
The cars approaching have extremely bright lights
And there’s always another idiot in your rear view mirror
No matter how fast you go he’s always getting nearer
Old people bother me who leave on the left indicator
Then never get over forty miles a real road hog dictator
I often notice in the supermarket I pick the wrong line
One cashier is as slow as molasses and it always is mine
It bothers me no end the ill use of a handicap parking spot
If I had any power I have that person taken out and shot
When I lived in New York I couldn’t find parking in my block
If I should come home in the evening after six o’clock
I hate the cold in December and the heat in July
I don’t like mosquitoes and I hate the fruit fly
I hate to see mothers being bullied by little brats
And I am allergic to almost every kind of cats
I often feel ill at ease at public petting and kissing
But what’s the worst of all is men publicly hissing 
To forget those irritable situations should be our goal
Because those irritable situations are beyond our control

Sunday, April 22, 2018

The Cashier © Tony Fallon 042218.

The Cashier © Tony Fallon 042218

I got a precooked chicken that was cold and large
On the receipt I noticed there was an extra charge
When I questioned the extra I was told it was tax
I reminded her there was no tax on food packs

She said if I took the tax manual and looked
I’d see there was a tax on food that was precooked
I said look a little closer it’s on food that’s hot
This was cooked this morning and it’s not

I reminded her, the extra was also over eight percent
And instead of arguing she should refund and repent
I asked her the correct tax she didn’t have a clue
She couldn’t do the old math she couldn’t do the new

I often comment openly and I’m often hostile and mad
At people who are cashiers and can’t subtract or add.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Don’t tell me © Tony Fallon042118

Don’t tell me © Tony Fallon042118

Don’t tell me something I already know
Or something you told me about six months ago
I don’t want you to tell me what you said last week
Please tell me something new every time you speak.

The world is full of tattlers and tellers of old tales
To spice it up they often add a few of their own details
So when they tell the story again it sounds like it’s new

Maybe less than half of what they are telling you is true.

Friday, April 20, 2018

I am Here © Tony Fallon 042018

I am Here © Tony Fallon 042018

I wish you wouldn’t expect the word love unless it’s intended
When many people hear that word I’m sure they feel splendid
But if the other person doesn’t love you yet don’t be offended
I am still here for you our relationship has not been ended

Love does not sprout over night it grows slowly I assume
I am very fond of you and my love for you could one day bloom
There you go again you want an immediate positive response
You think I do not care about you or your needs and wants

We must not confuse the two words love and infatuation
One is like being sober the other is more like intoxication
You can be infatuated with a body after only one glance

But it takes the love of heart and soul to bloom into romance

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Dancin Romancin © Tony Fallon.41717

Dancin Romancin © Tony Fallon.41717

You said that you would dance as I took your hand
You said you came over from the west of Ireland
I said with that accent you are not from Idaho
You are probably from some town in county Mayo
You said I was close but you came from Castlerea
And had driven a bus in Dublin for the CIE
You could dance better than me and did not complain
When I stepped on your toes which surely caused pain
I told you at fox trots and waltzes I was a bit of a menace
You laughed and said, “Can you dance the Siege of Ennis?”
With the Stack and The Donkey, I found my comfort Zone
Sure my mother was a step dancer from County Tyrone
When I went outside later you were having a smoke
On the way back to the dance floor we each had a coke
I told you I had an old Ford that was falling apart
And I’d like to take you home if I could get it to start.
I was being totally honest and I guess that counts as a plus
It’s hard to impress a Castlerea girl who once drove a bus
When we got back inside they were starting a fling
And right after that they had the twist and some swing
I did pretty well for myself without any major faults
But I sat out the next one which was an old Irish waltz
I thought a romance was staring and I was going someplace
I didn’t ask for anything that night only a loving embrace
You don’t answer my phone calls and I see you no more
I hope you have not gone back to old Erin’s green shore

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

The Monsters (15 syllables)

I never met a monster at night on any Irish road
Even though I cycled every night to my country abode
Even when it was pitch dark there on a moonless winter night
When I could not afford a new battery for my flashlight
I am sure any monsters in Ireland never could compare
With the monsters found in America almost everywhere
I am talking about the monsters with no respect for lives
Who easily put to death human beings with guns and knives
Others choke their unsuspecting victims with their evil hands
Then bury the bodies in the dirt or in the ocean sand
Random targets can be man or woman a son or daughter
Then buried in a mountain grave or thrown into the water
Many women kill off men but mostly victims are females
The average person shudders when faced with gory details
The rumors of a serial killer send chills down your spine
Are those human monsters or like some evil animal swine?
They can terrify everyone for years next thing disappear
Then come back again one day and hold a town in total fear
They are mostly loners who do not live by day to day rules
The killing fields could be movie theaters concerts or schools
Despite all the warning about getting into strangers cars
Many runaway teen age girls spend their last hours in strange bars
Why does such evil lurk here for so long in the hearts of man?
We burned witches in the open and we had the secret Klan
It can be in the biggest city or rural and remote
Few leave any clues while many chauvinists do leave a note
They probably take some snug pleasure if they get a nickname
It boost their evil ego their few minutes of secret fame
Some meekly surrender and give up without a show of force
They believe they have not sinned and rarely ever show remorse
Many survivors seek revenge amid their daily weeping
And they must wonder while this all occurred. Were the Gods sleeping?

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Monsters © Tony Fallon 041718

Monsters © Tony Fallon 041718

I never met an Irish monster at night on an Irish road
Even though I always cycled every night to my abode
And it was pitch dark there on a moonless winter night
When you could not afford a new battery for your light
I am sure the monsters in Ireland never could compare
With the monsters  found in America almost everywhere
I’m talking about the monsters with no respect for lives
Who snuff out other human beings with guns and knives
Others choke their unsuspecting victims with evil hands
Then hide the bodies in the dirt or in the ocean sand
The target can be man or woman son or daughter
Buried in a mountain grave or thrown into the water
Many women kill off men but most victims are females
The average person shudders when faced with gory details
The rumors of a serial killer send chills down your spine
Are those human monsters or like evil animal swine?
They can terrify everyone for years next thing disappear
Then come back again one day and hold a town in total fear
They were mostly loners but there were no hard rules
The battle fields could be parks it also could be schools
Despite all the warning about getting into strangers cars
Many runaway girls spend their last hours in strange bars
Why does such evil lurk here for so long in the hearts of man?
We burned witches in the open and we had the secret Klan
The scene can be in the biggest city or isolated and remote
Few leave any clues but many chauvinists leave a note
They probably take some pleasure if they get a nickname
It boost their evil ego their few minutes of secret fame
Some meekly surrender and give up without force
They think they have not sinned and rarely show remorse
Many survivors look for revenge amidst their daily weeping
And they must ask why it occurred? Were the Gods sleeping?

Monday, April 16, 2018

2Tanka’s and a Haiku 41418 My Operation was worse than your Operation

2Tanka’s and a Haiku 41418
My Operation was worse than your Operation
Did you ever meet
a person, who has more pain
than you? If you had
a major operation
they already had one too
In the hospital
theirs is bigger or sorer
also much longer
required many more stitches
took so much longer to heal
you would need to lie
to a hypochondriac
if not you can't win

The Grand National © Tony Fallon 041618

The Grand National © Tony Fallon 041818

I watched the Grand National Steeplechase. What a thrilling finish
As I watched the leaders big lead slowly diminish
No truer word was ever said than to the victor go the spoils
If it had been ten feet longer the runners up would have smiles
It brought me back to sixty three when at sixty six to one
After jumping flawlessly Ayala came from behind and won
That winner wasn’t popular to bet him wasn’t common
Tommy Morris and I were the only two who bet him in Roscommon
There were other great years who can forget Taffee and Draper
Their pictures were for many days in every local Irish paper
I think it was from Ballydoyle came the famous Vincent O’Brien
Who for three years in a row kept the English bookies crying?
Then Mr. Vincent O’Brien must have come to his senses
He started racing on the flat and gave up the fences
Who can forget other Irish horses? I was such a fan
I remember Quare Times Mr. What and the brave Royal Tan
Listening on the radio as they jumped Beecher’s Brook or the chair
The hair would stand on my neck when I’d hear Michael O’Heir
The Irish horses still continue to be a credit to their trainers
And to the Irish Jockeys and others little lads on retainers
To prove my point completely even though we Irish like to boast

This year we swept the table we had the first four past the post

Thursday, April 12, 2018

The Ballymurray Werewolf’s © 4041218 Tony Fallon

The Ballymurray Werewolf’s © 4041218 Tony Fallon

Don’t shout in the forest the werewolves are asleep
Don’t shout on the farm you’ll wake the sheep
I have never seen a werewolf I’ve been out ‘til dawn
But I know very well I should not upset Farmer John
He is a sight as he rides around on the old piebald
Making sure that his flock will never get mauled
He roams his fields at night with a double barrel gun
And any night he is tired he sends out his eldest son
They know the werewolves have a taste for Irish lamb
They can’t depend at all on the fourteen year old ram
John’s farm is next to the forest of mighty trees of ash
And he believes they could be on his sheep in a flash
As I said I never saw one but I think I heard them howl
I did hear some noise one night but maybe it was an owl
People tell John they are not evil just dogs gone wild
Others say they’re old Irish who by Cromwell were exiled
Still others say they are travelers who like mutton stew
In the daytime you’ll see tracks of fires if you pass through
No matter what’s inside the forest all will have to agree
Every year John loses a lamb sometimes two or three
There is no one would go in at night for a million pound

All the neighbors think inside there is only evil ground

Love the Children041218© TonyFallon

Love the Children041218© TonyFallon
The greatest gift bestowed must be childbirth
For the quickly passing years we are on this earth
Yet it’s no wonder some children turn out bad
Often they have parents are no more than a cad
If people don’t agree there’s no need to trample
on children’s rights. Grow up and lead by example
Children need your strength for a foundation
They don’t need an immature demonstration
Do you show you are the boss when you swear?
Do you show your authority by pulling a child’s hair?
Do you still believe in the infallibility of the rod?
Do you instill in them the fear of authority and God?
When they want to go to play do you say “just study”?
When the real reason is you’re watching Judge Judy
You have been entrusted with the finest seeds
You can turn them into beautiful flowers or ugly weeds
You can send them out in the world self confident or scared
They can be well adjusted and positive or totally unprepared
They must be taught to be confident and to trust
Their hopes and dreams fulfilled instead of crushed
Being a parent is not some glamorous job it’s a vocation
And you’ve signed up to cultivate the next generation
There were no directions and it came without apprenticeship

It’s like you’re out on the ocean and you can’t abandon ship

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The possible date © Tony Fallon 041018

The possible date © Tony Fallon 041018
>>>>Girls  send me an answer in poetry<<<<
We’ve been neighbors for so long and of you I’m fond
We’ve gone to school together you’re my favorite blonde
I would love you a lot and ask you on a date
If you would just lose about forty pounds of weight
You have often said you like to go out with guys
But every time I see you, you’re eating hamburger and fries
You eat some much mayonnaise and salt you’ll get a stroke
And there is so much sugar and calories and in a liter of coke
Always in the supermarket you are in the ice cream section
And you never eat yogurt but loads of creamy confection
You don’t eat healthy food at all and you look so pallid
You should be using milk and fish and big plates of salad
You said I’m not in great shape myself and outweigh you by ten
But I am at least six inches taller than you and I am a little thin
I’d like to take you to a concert or some fancy venue
I shouldn’t ask you to change but you’ll have to alter your menu

Monday, April 9, 2018

Star Dust.040918© Tony Fallon.

Star Dust.040918© Tony Fallon.

About ten hours ago I thought I saw falling snow
In the garden right behind my little bungalow
It seemed unusual like a circle on the ground
And in the very middle was a mid sized mound
It seemed so prefect like it had been pored
Was this some kind of manna from the Lord?
There was an odor in the air like incense
To check this out was only commonsense
I picked up a handful with my right hand
It slipped through my fingers it was like sand
Coming through the skies it had been heated
There were blisters on my hand to be treated
I suddenly realized my burns were not so tragic
This was a fallen star in front of me which was magic
This dust in my garden which was so neatly strewn
Could have been a planet once far beyond the moon
They say my greatest longings now can come true
When it cools down I’ll throw star dust over you
I’ll never know why this distant star came apart
I hope it’s the dust that mends my broken heart.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

A Tanka, A Haiku and a Tanka ©Tony Fallon 040818

A Tanka, A Haiku and a Tanka 
©Tony Fallon 040818

I don't believe it's
Already April the eight
four degrees above
We had some snow yesterday
And some more the day before
Then the cold rains came
And chilled us all to the bone
I'm cold and confused
is spring not coming
the birds are not building nests
No squirrels around
flowers still too cold to grow
no leaves showing on the trees

Saturday, April 7, 2018

A day in the life.4718

A day in the life.4718
In 1978 I got involved in radio
A few years later NYS Motor Vehicles gave me a plate IRISH DJ
So I became a DJ too.
Playing at Parties Weddings and even Dances.
During the troubles in Ulster
Especially during the hunger strikes I was active
Talking almost every week about the conflict
I often interviewed the chaplain at H Block
Some people told me to be careful what I said
As my phone was probably tapped
One day I’m driving in heavy traffic
And I noticed a car behind me
I make a few turns it’s still there
I make two quick rights and a U-turn
He follows me into the street
I’m waiting for him with my window down
“Are you following me?” I ask
“I am” he said “are you really a Dee Jay?”
It was Thursday and a band had just cancelled for a Saturday wedding.
The wedding was at 2 o’clock and I was booked
So we had it at 7 O’clock and everybody had a ball.
Over the next ten years I got at least 7 parties a year
From that one wedding reception

Little do we know how things are going to turn out..

Thursday, April 5, 2018

The Swallows © Tony Fallon 040518

The Swallows © Tony Fallon 040518

The swallows came to Capistrano but not to our shed
But they always came to our uncle’s barns instead
I was so glad to see them I knew summer had arrived
And two more swallows their long trip had survived
They say when two get together it’s a life long affair
And whether flying north or south it’s done as a pair
I wondered if in Africa those two had daily dated
And thought of the nest in Ireland while they migrated
The rafters seem to be the favorite place to build their nests
And up there they are never bothered by cats or other pests
I don’t know if the little ones ever get into fights
But it usually is fatal if one falls from such heights
The male helps feed the family for that he must be admired
He flashes in and out so often at night he must be tired
They are a welcome addition and can cheer up your mood

And they only eat insects and don’t bother with our food.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

5 Little Poems © Tony Fallon 040418

5 Little Poems © Tony Fallon 040418

I never witnessed an earthquake or a volcanic eruption
One causes the earth to shake they both cause disruption

I was in Long Island’s hurricane and experienced the eye
That deadly silence tests the brain but the wind came back as high
The water flooded our little street but didn’t flood our cellar
But the bay and ocean they did meet I was one lucky feller

I never walked on an icy lake even though it was shallow
I was afraid the ice would break and I’d drown there in Ballagh
I’m very careful when I drive on roads that are very icy
Because I want to stay alive and new cars are so pricey

I never had a pint of ale some people say its tart
Others say it keeps them hale and is good for the heart

I’ve met people I have not respected other people I have just adored
The first bunch should be corrected or completely ignored
The others are the salt of the earth the kind their last penny they would lend
Who fill your daily life with love and mirth your one true, forever friend.

Monday, April 2, 2018

The Boat © Tony Fallon 040218

The Boat © Tony Fallon 040218

The boat lay on its side within amongst the reeds
It had lain there many years in the bottom there were weeds
They said one time it had a fine big sail made of nylon
And it was the property of the old man named Long John
They said he never used it since the day he lost his leg
And they called him Long John because of the wooden peg
His real name was Clampett and he was true and gallant
He was great to have around that man had ample talent
They said he was half English and from Bristol he came
Mary Murphy was his mother so he had a different name
When he was in his prime on two things he would dote
Jane his “little woman” and his ould second hand boat
He was always fixing things in the house and on the water
And he painted Elizabeth on the boat after their daughter
But she grew up too quickly and followed her grandmother
So now Jane and John had only the boat and each other
They’d cross the lake on Sunday and on the bank unwind
And talk about the fancy places in Bristol where they’d dined
John lost his leg and his little woman one terrible July
He was inconsolable for Jane most neighbors thought he’d die
After months of mourning there was easing of the pain
Then he pulled the boat out and on the other side wrote Jane
The neighbors watched him silently and many hearts did break

As he kissed their boat goodbye and pushed it out into the lake

To boat or not to boat.(c)Tony Fallon 040218

To boat or not to boat.(c)Tony Fallon 040218

I looked at this week’s topic and I said frigate
The person who thought this up is totally wicked
I’ve rarely gone to sea just once on a cruiser
You could say with clarity I’m not a frequent boat user
Once on the Shannon as we were homeward bound
With a drunk on board we almost capsized and drowned
We were a mile from shore we never would be found
The prayers I said that day on Lough Ree were profound
When I touched ground later the chances were remote
That you’d ever catch me on the Shannon in any kind of boat
Once I cruised on liner five or six islands of the Caribbean Sea
And eat and drank and danced the first few nights until three
Then the motion of that liner got to me and I got really sea sick
For the next few days I was so weak I had to use a walking stick
All the passengers were told but most of them already knew
If they saw me running towards a toilet to let me get through
Half the time I was hunched over other times I was sitting
From both ends of my body everything I had eaten I was emitting
It broke my heart as I passed by for with food the tables were laden
And to put some of that in my belly I was being tempted by Satan
When people go on cruises they usually put on a good few pounds weight
For the last few days I was so sick I had only slices of toast on my plate
As I stood once more on the shore I felt like I’d been beaten by a brute

So If I should weaken and go to sea again will you promise me you’ll shoot?

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Jack& Jill © Tony Fallon 033118

Jack& Jill © Tony Fallon 033118

Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water
Nine months later to the day they had a lovely daughter
They had for all their life been neighbors
Yet this was big responsibility for teenagers
Jack and Jill were both unskilled
And their parents weren’t thrilled
To save embarrassment they were sent to relatives in Niagra
When Jack couldn’t perform Jill bought him Viagra
They still are there right next door to her cousin
With four children more and soon to be half a dozen