Monday, April 2, 2018

To boat or not to boat.(c)Tony Fallon 040218

To boat or not to boat.(c)Tony Fallon 040218

I looked at this week’s topic and I said frigate
The person who thought this up is totally wicked
I’ve rarely gone to sea just once on a cruiser
You could say with clarity I’m not a frequent boat user
Once on the Shannon as we were homeward bound
With a drunk on board we almost capsized and drowned
We were a mile from shore we never would be found
The prayers I said that day on Lough Ree were profound
When I touched ground later the chances were remote
That you’d ever catch me on the Shannon in any kind of boat
Once I cruised on liner five or six islands of the Caribbean Sea
And eat and drank and danced the first few nights until three
Then the motion of that liner got to me and I got really sea sick
For the next few days I was so weak I had to use a walking stick
All the passengers were told but most of them already knew
If they saw me running towards a toilet to let me get through
Half the time I was hunched over other times I was sitting
From both ends of my body everything I had eaten I was emitting
It broke my heart as I passed by for with food the tables were laden
And to put some of that in my belly I was being tempted by Satan
When people go on cruises they usually put on a good few pounds weight
For the last few days I was so sick I had only slices of toast on my plate
As I stood once more on the shore I felt like I’d been beaten by a brute

So If I should weaken and go to sea again will you promise me you’ll shoot?

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