The Weather© Tony Fallon042618
This morning the clouds touched the Catskill hills
I was in the valley amongst some shivering daffodils
I have a garden of crocuses I want to replant
They still haven’t bloomed this year yet so I can’t
We know that in the winter we can expect it to be bleak
But it should be more spring like in April’s fourth week
There still snow up there where the trees give shade
People living up there must have nerves that are frayed
This year we’ve had a cold late and mean spirited spring
Not even the song birds I have seen have started to sing
I don’t see new nests in any of the leafless trees
As the temperature struggles to get to sixty degrees
I’m afraid to sow seeds because plants could be lost
With weather like this we could still get a late frost
Nobody is out watering the lawn with a hose
And everybody is still wearing their winter clothes
Last October was so mellow they were cutting hay
Six months later to sow vegetables we have to wait ‘til May
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