Saturday, March 23, 2019



I'm thousands of miles from Erin's Isle
I'm at the age where I'm going senile
I often repeat things more that twice

About my past and I'm not always precise
My kids don't believe me about my Irish youth
Most time I am telling them the Gospel truth
I tell all who listen about my younger deeds
Driving motorcycles at excessive speeds
We lived in Rahara in Barnacullen
But we often visited our cousins in Ardmullen
I remember Funshinagh the disappearing Lake
And the fresh pike we used to fry and bake
Thousands of fish were left there to die
On the day the lake finally went dry
Cycling up to Ardmullen there was many a hill
Which kept you warm in the winter chill
From the top of that hill you had an incredible view
Especially if the sun was shining and the sky was blue
I remember the Shannon about five miles away
And many visitors with boats in Hudson Bay
I'll never forget slightly foggy nights 
As you'd see the glow of Athlone's town lights
Coming down the hill you'd better have a brake
Or you and the bicycle would wind up in the lake.
I hope you enjoyed this little tale
Of Ardmullen's hills and Barnacullen's vale

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