Monday, February 25, 2019

Nature ©2019TonyFallon0221

Nature ©2019TonyFallon0221
Nature had no walls or borders when the world was first designed
nor were there any iron fences to keep man or beast confined
The winds could blow; the river flow and the trees grow very tall
And I'm sure there was noise in the forest whenever one would fall
There was grass and fruit and vegetable so there was no starvation
Even then the strong ruled but without taxation or regulation
There is so much difference between nature and mankind
Are we racing towards a cliff as if we are totally blind?
The world has been here forever and we should enjoy it
Will our generation be the one to forever destroy it?
People act like they invented the blessings nature bestows
But no human who has ever lived could create a rose
Nature not being tampered with can bring us peace and joy
We have to share the wilderness but we should not destroy
That we keep cutting down the trees may lead to our down fall
And if we keep using barrels of gasoline instead of gasohol
Now they want to take oil from sand with water and blasters
Which can causes earthquakes and other man-made disasters
Abandoned oil wells and coal mine are to neighborhoods a blight
Not making money no more gushing oil or tons of anthracite
As long as you are making money no worry about pollution
It's not what you know it's did you make a campaign contribution
All over the world there are fires burning out of control
Deep within our only earth until the pits run out of coal
One of those dirty Russian plumes can be seen from a space station
Meanwhile for miles around there are no animals or vegetation
Some people think information about global warming is flawed
And deny to everybody that the ice caps have ever thawed
We can't go back to simpler times when man roamed earth carefree
And we are barred from Eden because of the apple from the tree
Man pushing the boundaries with nature often collides
when Mother Nature is angry we have winds and high tides
We can build alters and huge churches to our Gods on high
But nature can turn them into rubble in the blink of an eye
If human nature was perfect then I would deduct
that we should be more nature friendly in our daily conduct
Nature had no walls or borders when the world was first designed
nor were there any iron fences to keep man or beast confined.

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