Tuesday, November 29, 2022



We never thought it would last this long the evening we parted

When without many plans two separate journeys we started

The best of friends and no sad parting backwards glances were cast

For little did we known the innocent years of school were past

We did not know we were parting that DARK night so no sad goodbye

You didn't guess we'd be apart all those years and nether did I

Neighbors thought there was a romance, but we were just great buddies

We had common interests and helped with each other's studies

I've often thought of you held your memory in high regards

Another place another time who knows it wasn't in the cards

Some days later I learned you took the east train to Westland Row

Where you went after that Dublin train trip no one seemed to know

Absence makes the heart grow fond I was as lonely as a cloud

Often in O'Connell Street I hoped I'd meet my ANGEL in the crowd

Later I learned you sailed off to live and work in Camden Town

And that you found your true love in England and then settled down

Your brother said you became a nurse and later a matron

I can picture you in your white starched uniform and apron

I wound up in Dublin in a job where I had to be dressed

The pay was little so after a few years I set a new HORIZON and  headed west

I wound up on Long Island where there is not that much raining

After fiddling in odd jobs, I went into entertaining.

From working in taxis and sports bars I knew every subject

On radio I could press BUTTOMS my information was correct

There was need for an Irish Dee Jay, I fell into that niche

I mc'd parties and weddings for years, but I did not get rich

I played all the great singers and of music I played all styles

It was early am when I got home, I drove a million miles

we both returned often but our vacations did not dovetail

It is so many years now since you took the train and set sail

I will be home for two weeks next week at least that's intended

My sister say's you will be home too I think that is splendid

This is a rare event I do not want to miss or postpone

I think there could be magic days as we now both stand alone

I cannot wait to see you we will meet at church before mass

We will have pictures taken by the school where we went to class.

I've nothing planned for the day except to visit the old scenes

And  PERHAPSreminisce about the days when we were young carefree teens

Saturday, November 26, 2022



For over a thousand years monks have been praying for peace

Whether they were Chinese Indian or Vietnamese

They survive and meditate on mountains in snow and sleet

Mostly keeping to themselves in their most humble retreat

Built on useless land on a cold and windy snowy peak

Where others would not ever live it is so wild and bleak

Their residence lack comfort for they do not arrogate

They are filled with love and charity and they do not hate

Living in monasteries their lifestyles is secluded

While some are allowed to marry others are precluded

They believe clean life will alleviate anxiety

By banning the bomb we'd have a better society

They still wish the world was better and their wishes are pure

Even though their prayers go unanswered they still endure

Monday, November 21, 2022



We walked the same fields each week to Sunday mass

As we did the other five days to national class

There also was a half mile of sandy holey road

beside where the little Carrowkeel river flowed

We had no large size mountains or high terrain

And we have so few hills it's almost like a plain

Even what we call high places are mostly flat

That's why in British days there wasn't much combat

You'd need to travel to Athlone to hear of clashes

Unless you count Knockcroghery being burned to ashes

Other places bragged about how they were long ago shelled

Or how in Limerick City the redcoats were repelled

Cannon Balls were fired by a tyrant named Cromwell

At our church in the graveyard near St Bridgids well

But only one wall of that old church ever fell

If there is any justice at all he still burns in hell

We had a radio and Paddy Beades sang on vinyl

And the juniors never got to the county final

It is many a concert I fondly now recall

On Rahara road near granny's in Ned Miley's hall

In Ballagh we had handball and pitch and toss

And lost good balls in the furze and moss

While the footballers tried to hone their catching

And show their ability to score when attacking

It's funny I only remember the sun and not the shower

And a car might only go bye once in an hour

Sundays we'd all pile into Eamon Beatties Lorry

And head off for miles in search of football glory

we often caught pike in Funshinagh and Ballyglass

Funny the blacksmith had no horse only an ass

None of us were rich so I guess we were deprived

Yet all those years later a good few of us survive