PacemakerC2o22TonyFallon 1010
When I woke up one Monday, I did not feel inspired
I had not slept soundly all night and I still felt tired
Compared with previous days I did not feel my best
Before very long I had a tightness in my chest
A few hours later I was on the doctor's table
And he was telling me that my heart was unstable
He said his conclusion I was getting some chest pains
Was because I had some cholesterol in my veins
He wanted to open me and inspect my ticker
That without some new valves I would be getting sicker
He said it's not a very risky operation
And by far better than ten years of medication
They said they'd have to put replacements in one section
I said not to mess with the part that has affection
You know sometimes I am testy sometimes I am tense
You know so far l have never kept you in suspense
Yet I do not feel the same since they worked on my chest
I worry about my health, and I am sometimes stressed
If I said love as much I think I'd be a faker
I think my heart had more love than this new pacemaker