Wednesday, June 19, 2019

You and me and Jane©2019TonyFallon0619

You and me and Jane©2019TonyFallon0619

I met Jane again on the mountain on a craggy shelf
When you were far over the sea trying to find yourself
You weren’t sure about me and you wanted a pause
And now you realize too late I haven’t many flaws

I was tired ascending and stopped for a bit of a chat
She said she still had feelings for me and that was that
I have known her all my life she is not artificial
And I suddenly realized that you are very fickle

Why I was all on my own Jane was a little curious
Told about your trip she said you were being spurious
You went to the Himalayas to talk about me
With a lonely hermit out of his mind on booze and LSD

You should have known better when they refused to reimburse
Now you have no silver in your pocket or gold in your purse
Like all true believers you thought he was a deep thinker
And you believed all their holy bullshit hook line and sinker

When I asked about her status she said she’d not interfere
She said she’d not date me unless you disappear

With this new information I held my excitement in check
And decided to cancel more than my upward trek
I was new at climbing and she was well mountain trained
My mistakes slowed her down but she never complained

So I have decided on a change and a new direction
Realizing I don’t meet your standard of perfection
I was afraid to voice my opinion and afraid to exhale
I realized there’s a better way to live, right there on the trail

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