Saturday, November 2, 2019

Going home © 2019TonyFallon1103

Going home © 2019TonyFallon1103

I would like to land in Shannon one early summer morn
And take a rented car back to the village where I was born
Sadly the house I was born in has long since been torn down
Many neighbors are in exile or moved to Roscommon town

The roads are not gravel anymore as they have been tarred
And the acreage my father had is owned a man named Gerard
There is no more rick of turf they have oil and electric power
And they have hot and cold water for the bathtub or the shower

There's no more horses out there plowing up the Irish soil
And more cattle than sheep on the farm once owned by Sean Doyle
There are no more ponies and traps taking people to mass
And there is no water in the lake for the swans in Ballyglass

No one knows where is the mass rock, or the holy water font 
That was at St Bridgids holy well in the village of my aunt
It is many long years now since they held a pattern for the saint
Doing the rosary on the road would be considered quaint

I know the ass the genet and the mule have almost disappeared 
But there are plenty of sheep there and they have to be sheared
I don't think there are gramophones on the kitchen table
They have joined the whole wide world with TV's hooked up to cable

The two shops that sold food and in the parish no longer exist
They threatened to close the school but the post office is surely missed
We always shared a priest with St John's and it' too late to complain
Miley's hall closed long, long ago so there's no place to entertain

Our parish church was small, very old and had no bell or steeple
So the angelus bell was never heard by our parish people
There were no railroad tracks daily trains or any railroad station
And there were never buses or other public transportation

n my day we had pounds shillings and pence then known as sterling
And on Sunday you played games of handball football or hurling
If you ever played soccer or rugby by the GAA you'd be banned
That was a strict rule in every county growing up in Ireland

I've been around the world a bit I seen Khrushchev Bush and Nixon 
And in the Christmas parade I've seen Rudolph Dancer and Blixen
But if I had a decent plot and a million dollars of pay
I'd build a big house in Barnacullen and never go away

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