
I sat on the old stile in a bit of dread
Apprehensive of the day that lay ahead
Another Autumn day of boredom and gloom
In my senior national school third class room
I had been detained in third another year
That punishment to me was far too severe
To my learning I easily could apply
Kept back because of blindness in my left eye
I still have twenty twenty in the other
The quarrel was really with my mother
With little schooling time she used the bookshelf
And she always tried to stand up for herself
She stood up for us little children likewise
Regardless of our ages or shapes or size
Such ungodly traits could be a powder keg
And had to be taken down at least a peg
If you were poor then ready funds were meager
You could not get ahead by being eager
Most slow and average students were ignored
Teachers did not have to answer to a board
Average schoolchildren's futures were unplanned
Who needed too much learning on the farmland
Corporal punishment was often and quick
It was not chastisement but a sally stick
So if you should be a teacher be prudent
It's not you who's important it's the student
Recall the wee boy on the stile years ago
The seeds had been planted but were not let grow
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