Tuesday, October 27, 2020




Most men would be ecstatic to be your escort
And gladly provide you with daily transport
You are the kind of woman every man craves
The kind who turns mostly sane men into slaves
With arrows in their hearts instead of love in June
Then break hearts beneath an Autumn Amber moon

You are the kind of dame men find enchanting
And would follow you until they fell down panting

You are a wild woman who would be hard to tame
Men would leave their wife's to give you their surname
There is not a man alive would not you desire 
If he said other words he is but a liar

I am so glad you moved back to our Main Street
Even when you are sad you still sound upbeat
If I were younger I think I'd have to be chained
If the police could read my thoughts I'd be detained
There is no one on this earth that can clone you
There is no one on this earth who can own you

The man who will win your heart will have won first prize
But to make you happy there are not too many guys
When they see those two brown eyes and all those moving parts
I'm sure there are many who have wildly beating hearts
You should never settle for less than love and respect
I hope you and your knight in shining armor connect



Often times the food of love is sorrow
Here today it could be gone tomorrow
Love can be even more fragile than a shell
Once a love is broken then there's no more spell
I thought at last you appearing was fated
That you by God for me had been created
The time we spent together I will not regret
The memories I have I shall never forget
I remember when you said there was no chance
When you told me there could be no romance
That when two months were up you could not remain
But that warning didn't register in my brain
I hadn't been lucky in love what had I to lose
I asked you out on a date you did not refuse
We so easily found ourselves in an impasse
Yet this chance to be with you I could not surpass
I realized without too much computing
That we were far too old for major uprooting
You had your place in the world and I had mine
Neither one of us could afford to realign
My friends were convinced it was a total loss
While we were together I gathered no moss
Without warning we fell in love with each other
Even though we both knew it could go no further
When you'd go away I knew I'd shake and shiver
But I would not throw myself into the river
About us parting I had no illusion
Yet when it happened I went into seclusion
I knew we both were strong enough to survive
And there was some hope while we both were still alive
I hope we'll meet in New York next Thanksgiving Day
I'll kiss you for all to see in Macy's display

Tuesday, October 13, 2020




Sometimes good times are short lived and bad times much longer
If we can learn from both surely we'll be much stronger
You have let angst vex you to the point you cannot cope

then instead of normal conduct all you do is mope

Maybe family are sick or some other distress

The racing thoughts within your brain you can not repress
Sometime you don't trust advise because you are wary
having in mind past situations that were scary

Maybe with your mother in law there is some conflict
Does she tell you frequently that your are far too strict?

Careless words said by close friends can be so upsetting
Strangers might hurt less they would not be so abetting
The offensive words uttered may have been said in jest
you have tak
en to your bed and lie there grossly stressed

Some simple situations are needlessly reviewed
instead of proceeding you just sit at home and brood

Maybe it's your neighbor who is causing a hassle
infringing on your lot which to you is your castle
They mow the lawn at six o'clock when you're in a dream
you are clearly too timid to go out there and scream

You will look back on sad days and feel it was absurd
but such thought are rare to you when your vision is blurred

Then you wake one morning and the sun has ascended

that old bad mood has lifted and you just feel splendid

Tuesday, October 6, 2020





I hope you live as long as a piano has keys 
So I hope you'll be upright for at least eighty eight years
May you be happy not B flat and free of disease
And live a full life in A cord with colleagues and peers.

Until the end may all your
tone be happy and sharp
And you are not too often in any need of a tuner
May you you have
profited from the notes of AARP
And never forget the full scale of your great humor

May your mind and all your fingers always be nimble
May the twinkle in your eye be like a brand new tune
May you always be ready to play the right symbol
And from sorrow and suffering may you be immune

And if you have a Happy Birthday today it’ll be just Grand.

Saturday, October 3, 2020




Sometimes it is far better to stay out of the news
Because sometimes people will expect you'll have fresh views
The kind they want from you must fully agree with theirs
There is no such thing these days as ever splitting hairs

Some of the ideas they stand up for I abhor
Yet I support their rights as I've always done before

Yes even now and then sometimes I am incorrect
I know I am not an expert on every subject

Oft an opinion or simple statement on Facebook
Gets you treated like a kook or worse still as a crook

They'll then proceed right away to rip you to a shred
And say that your recent information just misled

Sometimes the truth is too heavy to be uploaded
They would rather a little lie that's sugar coated

I've often been told to cool it but I shall not bend
No matter how much I'm sullied I shall not unfriend