Tuesday, October 27, 2020




Most men would be ecstatic to be your escort
And gladly provide you with daily transport
You are the kind of woman every man craves
The kind who turns mostly sane men into slaves
With arrows in their hearts instead of love in June
Then break hearts beneath an Autumn Amber moon

You are the kind of dame men find enchanting
And would follow you until they fell down panting

You are a wild woman who would be hard to tame
Men would leave their wife's to give you their surname
There is not a man alive would not you desire 
If he said other words he is but a liar

I am so glad you moved back to our Main Street
Even when you are sad you still sound upbeat
If I were younger I think I'd have to be chained
If the police could read my thoughts I'd be detained
There is no one on this earth that can clone you
There is no one on this earth who can own you

The man who will win your heart will have won first prize
But to make you happy there are not too many guys
When they see those two brown eyes and all those moving parts
I'm sure there are many who have wildly beating hearts
You should never settle for less than love and respect
I hope you and your knight in shining armor connect

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