Thursday, January 20, 2022



In the dark eighteen forties Ireland was England's breadbasket

That time dead thrown in mass graves without a coffin or casket

While ships sailed outward loaded with fresh meat and Irish grown grain

While sons of the landlord were educated in France or Spain

It was not the failing potatoes brought the ruination

But the result of land taken from natives pre plantation

Overworked fields never could provide an adequate harvest

So food was often scarce in winter when weather was harshest

The potatoes rotting in the ground meant certain starvation

Meanwhile clergy preached after hardship there would be salvation

With the passing centuries holdings got smaller and smaller

Indoor animals then added to the unhealthy squalor

Little old mud cabins built into ditches with roofs of straw

Through which in the springtime the left over ice did slowly thaw

Those behind on rent were evicted by lackeys of the squire

Cattle were more profitable, so the house was set on fire

Thrown out on the cold open windy road to face certain doom

No money in the pockets to buy groceries to consume

Families walking the roads children's bare feet covered in dirt

Crying from fatigue and thirst hanging on to their mother's skirt

Reduced to begging for a few pennies from heartless bosses

To die in fields and ditches without benefit of crosses

The living trying to get overseas with their last few pounds

Leaving their families and loved ones in villages and towns

Immigrants boarded old rotting ships which very well might wreck

Long before they safely reached the ports of Boston or Quebec

Four weeks on the rolling ocean without nurse or physician

With no treatments to lessen seasickness or malnutrition

Corpses were thrown overboard without any slowing motion

To become food for trailing sharks in the Atlantic Ocean

Hoping for a living wage and to somehow make their fortunes

And live a long life so their children did not grow up orphans

Then be treated like they were just a criminal or a spy

With big signs in the windows saying "No Irish Need Apply"

Saturday, January 8, 2022



Writing poetry to me has always been important

Yet for some time now my talent has almost been dormant

In some past years I have often penned so many hundreds

So to be so fallow was bordering on conundrums

Alone I was pining musing if love still existed

So on the top of my New Year's wishes love was listed

So when this fair maid appeared I wish she was much nearer

We still have not met she is the beauty in the mirror

We were once Facebook addicts and exchanged publications

I did not yet know her age so there were no temptations

Some people think social media is just make believe

get tired of the daily bull shit and just pack up and leave

You know life is better without and it was not perfect

But missing her old friends she decided to reconnect

Standing in front of the mirror, image duplicated

And although I am far away I am fascinated

When first contacted she lived in a northern latitude

Now the land is flatter in her Florida altitude

Going out on Saturday night an impossible chore

Certainly much more difficult than it was years before

We cannot go to a football game or a rock concert

We can only sit at our computers and shyly flirt

I often clean my glasses so I can see her clearer

That pin-up lady far away radiant in mirror

Friday, January 7, 2022


 I often write poems for poetry contests

On various subjects and various contexts

Sometimes the subject is broken or happy hearts

But never is my topic women's private parts

Many seem to encourage such vulgarity

While other squirm it's then saved for posterity

Alas today Yeats words would not be so condoned

He would likely run off in fear of being stoned

I fear today's elite look down their snobbish nose

And cherish as poems what we poets call prose



There may be ice on the river

But the water still flows on

There may be trouble on the horizon 

But life still goes on

There may be frost on the grass 

But the sun still rises

There may be big bad people in your life

But good people come in all sizes

Even serious problems can be solved

Even the highest mountain you can climb

It may seem like forever

But it's just one step at a time

Thursday, January 6, 2022

NoTitle 152022

NoTitle 152022

I got a request, but she only had one friend    

But she has sexy photos that she wants to send

In her Facebook picture her lips are puffed

And I'm not sure whether her bra is stuffed

Her figure would have to be classified as busty

from the other pictures it seems her health is lusty

that we can have wild weekends she slyly hints

and she can share her videos and prints

she has an app with widows and single

looking for agood time willing to mingle 

She only looks like a teenager alas

I could not keep up with her so I'll pass



At exactly six o'clock on Christmas Day we would stop our meal

To hear the big ancient bell at the far-off church peal

All around the feast table young and old heads would be bowed

As my mother led our family in the angelus out loud

Our parish was so poor there was no place for a priest to dwell

The church was so small and so many years old we didn't have a bell.

So, the sound we heard was from the bell in a distant village

And was not very loud after travelling for such mileage

It was a wonder we heard it with so many hills between

It made me dream of distant places when I was just fifteen

Often fathers at labor heard the bell and knelt in the dirt

Said the angelus prayer and they no longer felt unchurched

They felt God was with them whether they be out there breaking rocks

Or working with a sheepdog gathering up their sheep in flocks

In other parts the bell wasn't heard because they were too far away

I wonder is it heard on the radio so they can still pray.

For many years all over Ireland this holy time was observed

For those who find solace in this practice may it be preserved

NewYear'sEve© 2022TonyFallon11

 NewYear'sEve© 2022TonyFallon11

Tis one more New Year's Eve and it seems

Once again you spent the whole night in my dreams

To be together again you seemed delighted

I was so happy too we were reunited

As I held you in my arms, I stroked your lovely hair

And looked into blue eyes that are beyond compare

The eyes that can show love for a child or living thing

An animal's broken leg a bird with broken wing

Through green fields we went through gaps and over stiles

You laughed so happily full of smiles

We climbed a hill for what seemed like hours

You laughed like a child while I picked wildflowers

Then suddenly your image started to recede

And from my dreams you were slowly freed

That we will be together is one of my prayers

When I woke up this morning I was in tears



Twenty one is gone out the door I'm so glad it is gone

Twenty two was here at midnight eight hours before the new dawn

Twenty one should get a kick in the ass going out the door

It was not much better that the one that went before

There isn't one amongst us from County Cork to Tyrone

Who doesn't know some friend or relative who died all alone

Or heard the arguments about wearing or not wearing masks

While the overworked medical staff went about their tasks

This latest strain of influenza will surely smite us

Far sooner than the flu, bronchitis or laryngitis

The total deaths continue to rise from the infection

Of people who fear hoax theories about the injection

Meanwhile gambling is guided by major sports and the state

Encouraging the poor people to dream and speculate

Now I fear gamblers and alcoholics are synonymous

The newest organization is Gambles Anonymous

Reportedly far out in space there is a huge asteroid

And if it veers and hits the earth we could all be destroyed

Undeterred the living must hold on while the world spins around

And hope at the year's end we have not lost any more ground

DeBlasio will be gone too thanks to term limitation

I hope Adams proves to be The Big Apple's salvation

On New Years Eve a new blinking star appeared in the night

There is little doubt in my heart it must be Betty White



Sometimes you are normal other times aloof

Most times I'm happy you live beneath my roof

It's so much better than living alone

And together we both have grown 

You are so affectionate and of you I'm fond

The longer we are together the greater the bond

No more do I get to use my favourite chair

Because when you awake it's always covered in hair

Because you never exercise, you're putting on the weight

Every time I see you, you have tinned salmon on your plate

When was the last time you went outside and  walked

If you don't shape up for a dog you'll be swapped



We were so young and married on a whim

Then the lights of love started to grow dim

When little hurt feelings need some repairs

And the only answer is some angry glares

Now I am me and you are surely you

Mutually we once again are two

When we vowed, we were supposed to be one

How did good intentions become undone?

Was it you or I who was immature?

Who was the first one who didn't feel secure?

Why so quickly have we both lost the lust?

I think we should have worked to keep us robust

Why did love so quickly turn to torment?

Maybe we can learn after we lament

I hope we learn from our many mistakes

I hope we learn from our many heartaches

All our friends have so many suggestions

You and I have still so many questions