Tuesday, April 25, 2023

The fighting couple© Tony Fallon 121417

 The fighting couple© Tony Fallon 121417

As I was sitting in a restaurant I heard a couple fight

After listening for a while it was hard to say who was right

It was also very hard to decide which of them was wrong

One was stubborn as a mule the other was headstrong

It was hard to tell which was which neither was consistent

But to have their side heard both were most insistent

She said you spent every spare moment in the local bar

He said whenever I come home early you jump in the car

Then I don’t see you again for many, many hours

After I’ve helped with homework and with nightly showers

So then you see what I go through with children into sports

And going to see teachers when they get bad reports

Taking care of three children is no bed of roses

Every day I have dirty clothes and in winter dirty noses

No matter what I say he said you immediately are opposed

For any of my suggestions your mind is quickly closed

There were no slurred words so they both must be sober

I wonder if they will be together still come next October

Maybe they are the kind of people who just like to bicker

I’d hate to be in their house later if they add a bottle of liquor

It went back and forth between them about school and PTA

In the end it made no sense it was just blah, blah, blah

If the sun was shining one would complain about the weather

I wonder how a couple like this ever got together

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