Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Betty'sPoem 2024TonyFallon615

 My name is Tony Fallon and Betty and I grew up about 8 miles apart.

I've been in New York for almost 60 years.I've written for many 

newspapers in Ireland and America  and have been on the radio 

for 47 years and I owned a DiscJockey businss in NYC area.

I write poetry and have one book published. 

I am the Poet Laureate of Cairo New York. I inherited the 

Fallon and Groarke brains as I left school when I was 16.

Betty'sPoem 2024TonyFallon615

The saddest day of Betty's life was leaving her home place

With everything she owned that day in a little suit case

Her last week was sad and lonesome her mind full of gloom

As she thought back to her mother now buried in Kiltoom

She remembered  her childhood and friends with whom she'd grown

It wouuld be months before she'd  again see the lights of Athlone

To the emigrant boat like many before she was assigned

Sadly leaving her young siblings and relatives  behind

I'm sure like many others she had a lonesome attack

With few prospects in Ireland  there was no going back

Alas she and Davey were not the first or last transplants

There were more to follow the generation before lost aunts

Over there already she had first cousins named Coyne

Maybe with the help of God within days they would rejoin

The sun may have shone that day but all were sad and sullen

The day Betty Fallon left her first home in Ardmullen

The scenery was unbeaten even in cold winter chill

You could see to Rahara walking down that big hill

Coming home you would have to be healthy and physical

Because no one ever rode to the top on their bicycle

One side was the Shannon the other a disappearing Lake

In summer it had pike in winter wild geese, duck and drake

The farm was very productive with its rich Roscommon lome

But so sloped up and hilly the cows would rarely come home

We now realize her staying power and endurance skills

Were learned at an early age walking those Ardmullen hills

We are double first cousins two sisters married two brothers

We had the same grandfathers and the same grandmothers

She walked to Curraghboy school daily in clothes of wollen

Returning every day at four to the hill of Ardmullen

The train went to Dublin and the old boat to Hollyhead

From Hollyhead to Eustace station the train quickly sped

To get a decent job fast was now her great ambition

While reading ads in Double 3 she secured a position

Either God was smiling on her or they loved her Irish cheer

How many girl's on their very first day start a new career

At that job and others she served food on many tables

And for three generations she rocked a lot of cradles

All the jobs and work she did she was just like a machine

You would not believe her story on a big movie screen

As the children came along and the family grew in size

She moved to Caledonia Road and later Hornsey Rise

Though she has conquered London for about six decades

The memory of Carrowkeel and Ardmullen never fades

The sweet memories of Betty's lifetime we can not replace

Now there  are four genetations from Betty down to Grace

Since I mentioned Grace there is Oscar Jude Harry and Hayden

There's Elliot Archie and Amelia a teenage maiden

As the children enjoy the food around this big buffet

We would love  food like that when we were saving hay

Living far from home the birth of her children she took in stride

With Elizabeth and Michael first she showed them off with pride

When Angela and James came later they each had three sibs

She said I'm finished with cradles there will be no more cribs

Since she and Angela share a birthday they yearly dine

Talk about the old days and share a bottle of red wine

I said I'd include all grandchildren that was a promise

There is Dean Leah Rebecca Rosie and Thomas

Also Jamie Michael Keith Ashley and Louise

I almost forgot Melissa and that wouldn't please

When God invented Betty Fallon he threw away the code

And set down before her a long narrow and winding road

Yet after all those tough years we know she has succeeded

She was there with help for her family when she was needed

I'm sure all look up to her she is experienced and wise

But I'm still fifty days older than her that is no surprise

I live in New York now far from Rahara and Barnacullen

A Happy Birthday to my cousin Betty from Ardmullen

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