Tuesday, December 27, 2022

skating tonyfallon12212022

 skating tonyfallon12212022

As I sit inside my window and watch the snow accumulate

And think back to my younger days when I used to ice skate

Well do I remember winter days that were cold and harsh

And thick ice would form on the shallow water in the marsh

You might get bumps and bruises and maybe a few scratches

Serious enough for salt and water cleaning and knee patches

When the grass would reappear a few days after the storm

I'd be kicking a soccer ball around to keep my toes warm

The only soccer balls in my life for weeks have been in Quatar

Where you can't drink beer only bottled Coca Cola and water

Skating is not in my plans I can't walk without a cane

And I have trouble enough walking on black icy terrain

We had two lakes within a mile which was easy cycling reach

Those were really turloughs so neither had a sandy beach

There was ice near the shores and under that ice were springs

So if you walked or you went skating that's where the ice thins

Not everybody heeded warning And sometimed the ice snapped

Some people got a cold wet soaking but no one got trapped

We've had the first snow fall and the christmas treees are on sale

To be taken home and trimmed with decorations and lights in detail

Everybody takes picture they are so proud of their Xmas display

But the next day they strip off the decorations and throw it away

With planning and longing for months I wonder what children think

In twenty four hours it's all over they hardly got time to blink

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