Monday, July 22, 2019

The moon behind the cloud©2019TonyFallon0721

The moon behind the cloud©2019TonyFallon0721

I hate driving on winter roads when they are snowy or freezing
The thoughts of what could happen to me are very displeasing
You can’t live in a glass houses so you may wind up stranded
In a winter blizzard where great care in driving is demanded
I was on the mountain roadway it had not yet been plowed
The moon that shone once so brightly was now behind a cloud

I was dreaming about you as I made a slow unsteady pace
If I should wind up in a ditch I would see your lovely face
For in my car is your picture right behind the mirror
I also have you in my heart so you are always nearer
If I had my way I’d have a portrait but that is not allowed
I have to curse the darkness with the moon behind the cloud

Ten miles out of town I must have hit some icy coating
When I returned to this earth I thought I was floating, floating
My shoulder and ribs were aching and I was missing teeth
The car was upside down for the roof was now underneath
I heard sirens wailing and very soon there was a crowd
I knew the moon was in the sky but it was hidden by the cloud

When you go off a mountain road there are no guarantees
I would have been in the river if it hadn’t been for all the trees
I told them your location and a fire truck brought you there
And I heard you constantly leading all the volunteers in prayer
The chopper was full of medicals you were the only civilian allowed
As if by magic the moon peeped its head from behind the cloud

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