Wednesday, December 16, 2020




My younger days spent in Ireland I so fondly remember
The long long days of summer the promises of December

But money was scarce back then with little to borrow or lend
Credit cards were not yet invented so you couldn't overspent

That was the time before TV with no canned recreation
And what you were getting for Christmas was the conversation

Most people sowed their vegetables to help keep down the bills
It was long and heavy work plowing and molding the drills

The farming community raised food and went on few shopping sprees
I only remember branches we could not afford Christmas trees

Most farmyards had ducks or geese and always a rooster crowing
My mother took care of her turkeys when winter wind was blowing

No better clutches of turkeys were raised by other moms
No one in the County Roscommon had the like of her toms

She fed them Indian meal but often before it was dispersed
Us four children would add some sugar and eat it for dessert

To get her turkey plump and fat was my mother’s target
As she talked daily about the upcoming Athlone market
She raised many white turkeys that grew to enormous size 
And many years she came back to Rahara with a first prize 
She had justification to be happy proud and gay 
One of her turkey hens would be dinner in The Hudson Bay
From last years champion she would be a direct descendant
My mother's name would be in the Westmeath Independent

Many of her birds wound up too in Hannon's in Castle street
So families in Dublin and London eat Mrs. Fallon's meat

She didn't publicize her talent but some smart people knew
And over the years her reputation for turkeys grew and grew
People drove from Offaly who were worried about inbreeding
And to get advice on the best of food for champion feeding
The turkey money probably went to buy brand new toys
To be delivered by the jolly man known as Santa Clause
I don't know where mother got them or how she successfully hid
Because I spent two weeks searching for them I was a nosy kid
We would all be downstairs at sunrise early on Christmas morn
And we'd all be more interest in toys than the Christ Child that was born
To get to mass in the pony and trap would take near half an hour
And you'd be praying before you got there they'd be no shower
You'd get shillings from aunts and uncles if lucky maybe a pound
And go home to odor of cooking as the turkey was getting browned

The turkey and vegetables in the pot grew in our own field
Vegetables did not come frozen but had to be washed and peeled

That evening around the table I remember it was like a feast

None recalled the sin of gluttony preached earlier by the priest

Thursday, November 26, 2020




The first few times I met her, she was only just a child

I knew she was a special person by the way she smiled
I was far too shy to start a real conversation 
And I probably could not handle the situation

I probably would have messed up I was just eleven
But I really thought I had died and gone to heaven
So I kept my big mouth silenced like my tongue was bitten
But I can admit it now I was really smitten

I said to my brother to that girl I'll once be married
Said my brother I do not think you need being hurried
You have not even asked her cranky father for her hand
And how will you get all the money for the wedding band

He just kept on talking, talking said I must be raving
He said no girl would marry a man that wasn't yet shaving
Often you'd think your brother would be a regular bloke
And not the kind who enjoys sending your dreams up in smoke

I knew my brother was right and I'd have to bide my time
But a person can have secret dreams and that is no crime
As the years went by I dabbled sports grew up and matured
She and I were always together I felt so assured

But her father didn't like me I was only a dumb jock
I met him on the street one day I said that was a crock
For that little righteous outburst I am totally banned
I found my brother was right and I found it out first hand




Mary had a little lamb ,

She also had a goat

She got an email from Noah

They all went in the boat

She had hens and ducks

And a turkey for Noah’s wife

But they had two already

So Mrs Noah used the knife

She put him in a pot

And for hours let him simmer

It was not the Pilgrims

Had the first Thanksgiving dinner.

Mary missed her turkey

And she began to cry

Mrs Noah had no compassion

Said just eat your thigh.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020




Most men would be ecstatic to be your escort
And gladly provide you with daily transport
You are the kind of woman every man craves
The kind who turns mostly sane men into slaves
With arrows in their hearts instead of love in June
Then break hearts beneath an Autumn Amber moon

You are the kind of dame men find enchanting
And would follow you until they fell down panting

You are a wild woman who would be hard to tame
Men would leave their wife's to give you their surname
There is not a man alive would not you desire 
If he said other words he is but a liar

I am so glad you moved back to our Main Street
Even when you are sad you still sound upbeat
If I were younger I think I'd have to be chained
If the police could read my thoughts I'd be detained
There is no one on this earth that can clone you
There is no one on this earth who can own you

The man who will win your heart will have won first prize
But to make you happy there are not too many guys
When they see those two brown eyes and all those moving parts
I'm sure there are many who have wildly beating hearts
You should never settle for less than love and respect
I hope you and your knight in shining armor connect



Often times the food of love is sorrow
Here today it could be gone tomorrow
Love can be even more fragile than a shell
Once a love is broken then there's no more spell
I thought at last you appearing was fated
That you by God for me had been created
The time we spent together I will not regret
The memories I have I shall never forget
I remember when you said there was no chance
When you told me there could be no romance
That when two months were up you could not remain
But that warning didn't register in my brain
I hadn't been lucky in love what had I to lose
I asked you out on a date you did not refuse
We so easily found ourselves in an impasse
Yet this chance to be with you I could not surpass
I realized without too much computing
That we were far too old for major uprooting
You had your place in the world and I had mine
Neither one of us could afford to realign
My friends were convinced it was a total loss
While we were together I gathered no moss
Without warning we fell in love with each other
Even though we both knew it could go no further
When you'd go away I knew I'd shake and shiver
But I would not throw myself into the river
About us parting I had no illusion
Yet when it happened I went into seclusion
I knew we both were strong enough to survive
And there was some hope while we both were still alive
I hope we'll meet in New York next Thanksgiving Day
I'll kiss you for all to see in Macy's display

Tuesday, October 13, 2020




Sometimes good times are short lived and bad times much longer
If we can learn from both surely we'll be much stronger
You have let angst vex you to the point you cannot cope

then instead of normal conduct all you do is mope

Maybe family are sick or some other distress

The racing thoughts within your brain you can not repress
Sometime you don't trust advise because you are wary
having in mind past situations that were scary

Maybe with your mother in law there is some conflict
Does she tell you frequently that your are far too strict?

Careless words said by close friends can be so upsetting
Strangers might hurt less they would not be so abetting
The offensive words uttered may have been said in jest
you have tak
en to your bed and lie there grossly stressed

Some simple situations are needlessly reviewed
instead of proceeding you just sit at home and brood

Maybe it's your neighbor who is causing a hassle
infringing on your lot which to you is your castle
They mow the lawn at six o'clock when you're in a dream
you are clearly too timid to go out there and scream

You will look back on sad days and feel it was absurd
but such thought are rare to you when your vision is blurred

Then you wake one morning and the sun has ascended

that old bad mood has lifted and you just feel splendid

Tuesday, October 6, 2020





I hope you live as long as a piano has keys 
So I hope you'll be upright for at least eighty eight years
May you be happy not B flat and free of disease
And live a full life in A cord with colleagues and peers.

Until the end may all your
tone be happy and sharp
And you are not too often in any need of a tuner
May you you have
profited from the notes of AARP
And never forget the full scale of your great humor

May your mind and all your fingers always be nimble
May the twinkle in your eye be like a brand new tune
May you always be ready to play the right symbol
And from sorrow and suffering may you be immune

And if you have a Happy Birthday today it’ll be just Grand.

Saturday, October 3, 2020




Sometimes it is far better to stay out of the news
Because sometimes people will expect you'll have fresh views
The kind they want from you must fully agree with theirs
There is no such thing these days as ever splitting hairs

Some of the ideas they stand up for I abhor
Yet I support their rights as I've always done before

Yes even now and then sometimes I am incorrect
I know I am not an expert on every subject

Oft an opinion or simple statement on Facebook
Gets you treated like a kook or worse still as a crook

They'll then proceed right away to rip you to a shred
And say that your recent information just misled

Sometimes the truth is too heavy to be uploaded
They would rather a little lie that's sugar coated

I've often been told to cool it but I shall not bend
No matter how much I'm sullied I shall not unfriend

Tuesday, September 29, 2020



I have only one good eye which affects my left view
Yet with a slight turn I could see the beauty of you
I may not see far but I have a great inner sight
To tell you what I noticed I do not feel contrite
First time I met you I could sense a true winning style
Nothing seemed real hopeless you had a winning smile
You overall come across as refined and genteel
So if you'd agree to dine that would be ideal
I am so serious this is not an escapade
And if I could sing I would sing you a serenade
To make outlandish promises would be so unwise
I do not possess an ego which is oversize
I have most needs I'm neither borrower nor lender
You could give honest advice and be my great mentor
I still admire you so much perhaps I always shall
But might you become closer more than my my best pal
Over years I have grown diplomatic smart and wise
I am not trying to pull thick wool over your eyes

Monday, September 14, 2020

The Garden(C)2020TonyFallon0914


The Garden(C)2020TonyFallon0914

The mornings are getting late and the evening starting to advance
The autumn leaves are falling there are no fresh flowers on the plants
Thank God I am not dependent on the seeds I sowed in the ground
If I weighed most of the new crops not too many would weigh a pound 
All springs are the same I buy so much seedlings with no fear of cost
Plant them too early and lose most of then to a sudden late frost

The purpose of spring is to dig and cultivate and then proceed
Then all through the hot summer season each day water thin and weed
You get so excited when you see buds come pushing into sight
Belying the fact that one day it could reach over eight foot height 
Owing to my failures with veggies sun flowers are my weak spot
But I also like the flowers that blossom inside in a pot

Tuesday, September 1, 2020




The first day I met you girl I knew you were unique
We were tentative and found it hard at first to speak
Because of sudden bravery I was not deterred
For our answers we both seemed to prefer just one word
To hold real long chats we were not up to the task
For you to be my steady I knew I'd have to ask 

It was not yet serious but still we carried on
With a beer I would sing but I am no Elton John
You said you loved my singing and became my big fan
Deep down you admitted a love for Duran Duran
I said that was not me I was not up to that task
If you wanted an Irish song you wouldn't have to ask.

Since I've met you I'm so happy I am elated 
We have lots in common so it's not complicated
We can't go dancing or swimming we are so confined
A distortion of nature and the laws of mankind
Because of the pandemic rules we both wear a mask 
Or else I'd hug and kiss you or would I have to ask?

Sunday, August 9, 2020

The birds©2020TonyFallon0802

 The birds©2020TonyFallon0802

The birds are singing in the bushes
Also perched on the overhead wires
On the ground noisy cheeky thrushes
In the air the skylark never tires
Instead of short our lives would be long
If we did not hear the birds in song


Each Saturday morning I'm usually the first at Garage Sales
I'm looking for bargains in electric tools like all the other males
There are many early morning bargains for the shoppers who are smart
You must be prepared to bargain this is no place for the faint of heart
Its is amazing in the sales pictures the things always look bigger
The thing is now just a spade but yesterday it looked like a digger
The VCR with the DVD recorder doesn't have a remote
And the camouflage set of hunting gear has no buttons on the coat
Of the screwdrivers there on the table the Phillips ones are all chipped
And the sleeping bag you would want to take hunting cannot be unzipped
He has forty five bottles of oil but he wants five dollars a quart
that is a robbery he should be arrested and taken to court
Many tools in a small tool box have got wet and are covered in rust
And a vacuum from far better days probably won't pick up dust
He has a saw drill and a flashlight but no battery or charger
Brand new pair of boots in a box size eight how I wish they were larger
I'm always checking out old golf woods and irons but I never buy
the last time I was playing on the golf course my score was way too high
On other tables are kitchen stuff including a portable grill
And many racks of women's clothes which may be donated to Goodwill
Other tables have new cutlery linens and towels by the score
those I do not waste any time on in fact I completely ignore
I've spent a long time browsing my grandson is sitting back in the car
so proud of the twenty dollars he spent on an electric guitar
Many times you buy stuff on Saturday which at home will not function
It's no good bringing it back to the seller he has no compunction
Some say the week end urge to accumulate is some kind of disease
When in doubt keep your money in your pocket there are no guarantees

Monday, August 3, 2020



The birds are singing in the bushes 
Also perched on the overhead wires
On the ground noisy cheeky thrushes
In the air the skylark never tires
Instead of short our lives would be long
If we did not hear the birds in song

Saturday, July 25, 2020


Last Saturday night as we walked across the parking lot 
I realized my good plans were slowly going to pot
I had invested most of the day getting this meal planned
you were still angry at me and wouldn't even hold my hand

I do not know what caused the anger a most frequent trend
I spent the whole day planning my absence I can defend
I feel like a prisoner put on extended remand
When ever you are so angry you will not hold my hand

Women are anxious for love you seem to be the reverse
You say there is no problem all other answers are terse
I think I am innocent but with you I think I'm damned
When you are five feet ahead it is hard to hold your hand.

I walk on the traffic side because I think that's gallant
But you say that's pandering then in future I shallant
Some courtships bloom easily you I do not understand
Most relationships prosper once the boy holds the girl's hand

You plopped down in the first booth and started to bellyache
meanwhile in the back room were some friends and a birthday cake
so near and yet so far no more I'll be at your command
this is the consequences when you will not hold my hand

Monday, July 13, 2020

SlowTime©2020 TonyFallon0713

SlowTime©2020 TonyFallon0713

I slowly watch the hand go around 
On the elegant grandfather clock
It's slow maybe it's not fully wound
But I still hear the tick and the tock

ln Facebook there's no new message
Can I can blame it on slumber?
What are the odds or percentage?
That he lost my mobile number

The tick tock goes on and on
The circle is eternal
A whole hour is almost gone
It soon will be nocturnal