Sunday, April 5, 2020

TheCatholicPoem© 2020TonyFallon0406

TheCatholicPoem© 2020TonyFallon0406

We don't want you at our weekly Bingo or the spring dance
If you are single we advise against any new romance
We know your children were let out from the regular class
You should stay at home because we do not have any mass
There will be no confessions not even by the friars
We will get your sins forgiven regardless of what transpires
The bishop has just about sacked us and we have no union
And he won't let us give you the last of the blest communion
I don't know what is going to happen with an empty font
He won't let us bless water no matter how little you want
We're postponing Easter and doing away with Holy Week
And in July no one will be allowed on St Patrick's reek
There will be some disappointment for many a lad and lass
If we postpone or cancel this year's first communion class
Mass will still be said on TV but there's no passing the plate
And since there is no congregation there's no one to berate
But we'll accepts checks or money orders from our supporters
They can be mailed to the church or our own living quarters
Because there is no mass there will be no announced marriage bans
So to keep away from temptation you should not hold hands
We don't know about baptisms and less about conformations
And you will not be allowed inside to pray at the stations
We are as sad as you are but unless this virus subsides
This may be the first year there will be no June blushing brides

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