Monday, August 12, 2019

Crossing the River©2019TonyFallon0812

Jane just sent me an incredible song WHY CAN'T I CROSS THE RIVER . The song gives no answers as to why the singer can't or won't cross the river. Assuming the word River was used symbolically to indicate other problems I penned the following
Crossing the River©2019TonyFallon0812
In your life's journey many rivers may be on your route
Do you just take your shoes off and cross without a hoot?
Or do you hesitate in case the water is very deep
Or that the footing on the other side might be too steep
There may also be other reasons which are unsound
For the river may be so shallow no one ever drowned
Afraid to cross the river may be a paradox
It may not be physical but a set of mind blocks
Maybe it's a question that you're afraid of asking
Maybe it's unhappiness you're successfully masking
Are you afraid your cruel tormentor you would hurt?
While you shed dignity and become a hopeless introvert
are you covering up black eyes and nasty bruises?
Given to you by boyfriends who are nothing but losers
It may not be a river that you are afraid to cross
It may be your need to stand up to your demanding boss
It may be abuse you are taking from a husband or wife
Causing you daily depression and ruining your life
You have got to take the first step which you won't regret
You cannot cross the river without getting your toes wet
So when you cross the river you will be standing tall
And telling all your tormentors you'll no longer crawl
Wow I wrote this in less than half an hour, Jane told
me it's perfect and I believe her. LOL.

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