Monday, February 12, 2018

The Weather © Tony Fallon 021218

The Weather © Tony Fallon 021218

I hate the weather in the summer when it’s warm and dry
I don’t like August or June but the really worst for me is July
The sun shines on your body but you must cover your head
There are many who wouldn’t do it and nearly wound up dead
But often the very best of advice is just blatantly scorned
I don’t like to see people suffer but by gosh they were warned
Some people say they like those months I have my suspicion
In every room in their house they have one big air condition’

I Love the autumn weather if it stays around sixty five
You have to dig up all the vegetable or they won’t survive
Its time to pick all the fruits that grow on bushes or trees
It’s also time to dress up to steal the honey from the bees
You should drain the gas and oil and winterize the mower
Buy some salt and shovels and do a tune up on the snow blower
The days will be getting shorter another blanket on the bed
On television they are already talking about Santa and his sled      

I do prefer the winter months even though they are cold
You can clap your hands together and pretend you’re not old
You can stamp your feet and do skipping or a little jumping
That’ll circulate the blood in your veins and get your heart pumping
I do not like the black frost and I don’t like the white show
But if you don’t have the money for Florida then you cannot go
Old people go to the malls each morning and move from seat to seat
They chat with all their old friends and at least there’s plenty of heat

You know spring is in the air when the add an hour on to the clock
And you see the Canadian geese heading north in a V shaped flock           
The bee the bat the butterfly the robin the blackbird and the little wren
Will remind us it is spring in the mountain the valley and the glen
For weeks they build nests and pick a mate for this years breeding
They say most male birds stay around to help with juniors daily feeding
We put up with fog and showers and pollen borne on a warming breeze
A whole new world is wakening up all around us so what if we sneeze

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