Sunday, August 26, 2018

John McCain R.I.P.(C)TonyFallon082618

John McCain R.I.P.(C)TonyFallon082618

John McCain of Arizona after college courses
Went and volunteered for the American Naval Forces
According to family tradition he was now the heir
And within a short time he was a pilot in the air
Not long after that he was learning about Ho Chi Min
Fighting the Viet Cong in a war we could not win
One day on a sortie the Viet Cong shot down his plane
A prize capture for the enemy the great John McCain

He remained a prisoner for nigh on five long years
With light to try and blind him and noise to burst his ears
With early release offered he heroically refused
Only to suffer indignities and often be abused
And to spent more years in a little solitary cell
In the dungeon then known as the Hanoi Hilton Hotel
From his treatment he spent his whole life in constant pain
Yet later he forgave his tormentors the great John McCain

His political journey will go down with some regret
If he was in the White House I don't think we'd have to sweat
When the book of honor is written edited and checked
McCains name will be in the fore under honor and respect
Mc Greggor came to New York and caused a little fuss
When he threw an arm chair through the window of a bus
He said he was not afraid of Stallone Ali or John Wayne
But you'd never catch him in a ring with that man McCain

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