The Laws of God and Man © Tony Fallon102217
The politicians wrote the laws we must live within
That was about ten minutes after God invented sin
God was very clear about not crossing certain lines
To prop up their system politicians then invented fines
Later Moses had to go up to the mountain for two stones
That was long before the invention of mobile telephones
When he came down he had ten new rules to display
Those were Ten Commandments mortals had to obey
All ten of them had to be learned totally by rote
Your teacher told you none of them would ever be rewrote
Of course, if you sinned you still could get absolution
But The Big Ten can’t be amended like the constitution
You may have thought this was not very democratic
Especially if you died in sin your fate was automatic
There can only be one God the one and only genuine boss
Who sent down his only son to be crucified on the cross
How could he throw out his only son and to earth expel
If I was Jesus I’d have asked to speak to personnel
I’ve wandered off my rant I’m slightly off my mission
Taking about the laws of God and man-a terrible imposition
You couldn’t steal or take some other person's life
And you daren’t covet or sleep with someone else’s wife
You couldn’t do anything classified as underhand
Nor go to the Commission to get your neighbors land
You must treat your parents with the greatest respect
And if they whack your little arse you can’t object.
You’ll certainly be going to hell if you don’t act mature
You can never take pleasure from thoughts that are impure
Then the Catholic Church came up five now almost extinct
But to the ten commandments of God, they were clearly linked
They were very specific about Mass and paying your dues
And they’d prefer Confession on a Saturday to drinking booze
Nowhere does it say you can’t play Bingo or gamble in a casino
So I guess you’re not sinning if you bet in OTB or go to Reno
You’d think with all those rules crime would surely decrease
But every budget time there always was a call for more police
Meanwhile, all the politicians go their good old merry ways
And every year they vote themselves a nice big fat raise
And shady things they and friends do they do not question
And feeding at the public trough does not cause any indigestion
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