Thursday, January 24, 2019

Irish Weather ©2019TonyFallon0124

Irish Weather ©2019TonyFallon0124

I'm writing of Irish weather I've nothing else to write about
When I was growing up in Roscommon we rarely had a drought
Although I do remember once when Ballyglass Lake went dry
And we walked the cattle to Lake Funshinagh or they would all die

Because of the two lakes being so near and a good few spring wells
No one thought of building storage tanks to take care of the dry spells
There would be men visiting wells with barrels in the horses cart
And the owner wanting to keep the water telling them to depart

My father was always looking for water to mix with the cement
Many of the well owners needing his help would finally relent
Then he started building tanks for us and we all had to pitch in
When he finished we had three even one above the back kitchen

I remember going to mass in John Joe Fallon's pony and trap
It was wide open to the elements with neither sides nor a cap
You'd be freezing in the winter, early spring and late in the fall
And after a cold shower you wouldn't want the wet blanket or shawl

Everybody has a story about floods in fields and ice on lanes
And snow so heavy in forty seven they could not run the trains
The priest led prayer one week for rain the next for the sun to shine
The farmers must often be down in the dumps other times on cloud nine

Some times after heavy rain and heat at night there would be thick fog
That's the night you'd meet Mary the Ghost on the road walking her dog
Everybody is an expert when talking weather and climate
And I should write more about the latter but I cannot rhyme it.

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