Monday, January 7, 2019

The old new years©TonyFallon0107

The old new years©TonyFallon0107

When the new New Year starts I think of years gone past
And how Three hundred and sixty five days can go by so fast
I remember bringing home the pony and the cows and
thinking how far away was that magic year two thousand
Now that magic year isn't even in the rear view mirror
Because the year twenty oh twenty is so much nearer
I thought at my advanced age I would surely be deployed
But since I'm working for myself I'm really not employed 
It's hard to convince myself of anything at eight o'clock
Or one hour later when I'm in the shop checking out the stock 
But still there is nothing beats a reason to get out of bed
I know a few people younger than me who are already dead
Some think hard work could kill so they never chance their luck
They would not even row a boat to go fishing on the Suck
I was living in Dublin on my last Irish New Years Day
And I probably went to Dalymount Park to watch Bohs play 
There was not much excitement in or house and that was because
While there would be another big meal there was no more Santa Clause
For our New Years my mother would swap a turkey for two small geese
And when we got finished eating there would be nothing left but grease
I never went to Times Square for the ball or the exploding rockets
That's too late to be on the subway and there are many pickpockets
I remember going dancing one year to the Red Mill on Jerome
And because the taxi's were all downtown walking four miles home

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