Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Magic ©TonyFallon091818

Magic ©TonyFallon091818

I am supposed to write a decent sized poem about magic
But there is only one English word that rhymes and that is tragic
Not only is it tragic but it's tragic which is repeating
And if I say it one more time we might have auto deleting
So when it comes to magic I shall have to take another path
Or bring down upon my poor old head Angie McDonagh's Irish wrath
So maybe I should talk of those people who do magic tricks with cards
And are often chased for their three card tricks by the local Irish Guards
Or those who from handkerchiefs pull a rabbit or a pair of doves
And they always seem to be taking off or putting on white gloves
Marvin the magician drove down O'Connell Street with a blind fold
The Dublin doubters said the car had to be remotely controlled
I have often seen a woman halved without the slightest complaint
While in the audience there's concern and grown men and women faint
I'm sure that woman is hale and hearty and laughing in her old age
That we believed she was being cut in half with no blood on the stage
I also admit I've seen things that must have been magic in my lifespan
In the five generations there have been some great people in our clan
I never thought I'd live to see my grandparents again or my grand kid
That night so long ago when the motorbike went into that awful skid
Meanwhile I have at least four magic card tricks few people understand
There's no trickery involved and I guarantee there is no sleight of hand
When I do those tricks for an audience the ending is dramatic
But I don't allow any betting so it is always democratic.
I say that most magicians are well trained in their practice to deceive
I do not think there is anything wrong with a little make-believe

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