My Willows©Tony Fallon092518
It was almost eleven at night and I was moping around
Jimmy called from upstate saying "your willow tree is on the ground"
He said do not be very anxious and do not be too alarmed
It only fell on part of the garage but I don't think it's harmed
It did not touch any electric wires for that you can give thanks
If it had fallen the other way it would have ruined the tanks
Jimmy finished the conversation he was not a man for speech
And I was a hundred and fifty miles away out in Long Beach
Next day on the Taconic I skidded on a bit of black ice
And put a few nasty dings on my new four wheel driving device
And to make it a little poetic I smacked into a tree
But then it was not a weeping willow as far as I could see
The next three days in the Catskills I acted like a lumberjack
Cutting the old tree into short logs and putting them in a stack
If you leave a willow branch on the ground It'll continue to grow
And the next year you will have a lot of new branches in a row
After all the excitement I had few days of recovery
While reading about the willow I made a great discovery
Though research or maybe pure dumb luck they have a new willow group
I'm not sure if it weeps anytime but it certainly doesn't droop
It's one tree growing upward not two that eventually splits
I swear it is now growing ten feet a year it just never quits
They really are bushes and as a plant are really neat
I transplanted some eight years ago and now they are fifty feet
You can cut off a few branches in spring they can be large or scant
Just stick it in some damp ground and by fall you have a fine strong plant
I give many cuttings in the Catskill to many more adults
There's no easier way to get shelter and they love the results
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