Sunday, November 18, 2018

The Accident ©2018TonyFallon1118

The Accident ©2018TonyFallon1118

I met you in your car one day but it was accidental
But your mother acted wild she was going mental
That is understandable she was only acting parental
But you were not supposed to drive it was only a rental
Her attitude needs adjusting because I was not at fault
The first rule we learn is at a stop sign is we should halt

When you came to the stop sign if you have stayed
There would be no accident and nobody delayed
You were not on the policy so the insurance was no good
And there was damage to your fender and to my hood
There was oil on the road and some window washing fluid
I knew at once that someone was going to be sued

I don’t know how your mother could allow you to drive
You were not yet sixteen and very lucky to be alive
You are also very lucky I sensed you weren’t going to stop
Or both my car and your mothers would be laid up in the shop
By my early braking your driver’s door wasn’t struck
And you weren’t taken away on a flatbed towing truck

Despite your father’s pleading your mother wouldn’t cease
She kept blaming me for the accident so I called the police
If I had pushed the issue you would have wound up in jail
And your parents would then have the problem of your bail
Sometimes the best intentions are subsequently penalized
Your mother hired a lawyer, and you know, I’m not surprised

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