Thursday, November 1, 2018

Bingo ©2018TonyFallon 1101

Bingo ©2018TonyFallon 1101

What I do almost every Wednesday night is not very mysterious
I go to BINGO in Catskills and I take it very serious
I am reasonably lucky at it and I make enough to be content
Often enough to buy gas and food but not enough to pay the rent

I only buy one book of games which others players seem to resent
Some of them buy multiple books that is how their money is spent
They have them spread all over the table with their hand in motion
How they can mark the numbers on all the cards I haven't got a notion
I would have to assume with all those extra books they often lose a hand
That they can mark so many books each week I just don't understand

They also have a raffle there each night where you have to pick a Queen
I was convinced I was going to pick her on the night of Halloween
Well I didn't cash in last night but I don't mind another week waiting 
I did cover my expenses by then and the pot keeps accumulating
Next week the Queen will be worth a bit over five thousand a fair bit of loot
At my age I would not mind winning it; it would be my golden parachute.

In some games if you get an X or a Tee they consider you the champ
Other times if you get four together in a corner that's considered a stamp
All games are worth forty, fifty, or sixty dollars unless you have to share
In the final game before the break you can win money with one unmarked square
At least three or four times I needed one number to complete one line
One time they called ten different numbers but not my Gee forty nine

If your last number is called you must immediately shout Bingo and cash in
There are few sentimental Bingo players there is no room for compassion

The final game was for one eighty they always keep the best until last
The money was guaranteed and I had won it a few times in the past
With fifty six numbers called and needing three I can't calculate the odds
But when you are playing Bingo you are at the mercy of hardhearted gods
But the numbers twenty six, twenty and twenty one all came out in a row
I won and while I had to share it with one other I still got half the dough

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