Thursday, November 8, 2018

The Arts© 2018TonyFallon1108

The Arts© 2018TonyFallon1108

What would I write about if nobody cared?
Why would I write poetry if nobody shared?
What would I do if nobody read my rhymes?
It would be like nobody paying attention to mimes
What would happen in a hall full of folks?
If nobody laughed at a comedians jokes
Whoever would want to become actors?
If all we had were critics and detractors
Who would spend money on canvas and paints?
If you couldn’t sell nudes but only angels and saints
Would the sculptor spend time with his chisel and stone?
If no one showed at his gallery and he was always alone
Would you want to be a musician with no dancers on the floor?
Or a lonely singer who was never asked for an encore?
If Mozart was alive would he still compose?
If at his concerts there were many vacant rows
Yet there are so many people get satisfaction from the arts
As they go through live performing without starring parts

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