Me and the Apple Tree© Tony Fallon12/01/17
There’s an apple tree in an orchard
The memory of it has me tortured
From a high up branch, I’d fallen
And my leg was badly swollen
At least to two times its normal size
At last, someone heard my mournful cries
My situation was quite grim
I was stuck there on a limb
I could not go up or down
I could not go around
I was betwixt and between
When you came on the scene
I figured my pants I’d have to tear
If I was again to go anywhere
I felt just like a guinea pig
Stuck up there on a twig
If I didn’t think of a solution fast
I would soon be bare-assed
Well Johnny Mulvanee
Came quickly with his JCB
With his goatee, he looked like Ming
Or a native of Beijing
And he yells at me
“What the F*** you doing up my apple tree”
He showed a little more restraint
When I said “I think I’m going to faint”
I said “my injuries are severe
Could you get me out of here?
As quickly as you can I beg
Or I’ll lose my F****** leg”
Well he gave up his nonchalance
And had a quick response
He handled this big machine
Like the captain of a submarine
In a minute he had the bucket in place
Right beside the other shoe and my shoelace
This was really great
I now could relieve some of the weight
That was causing all this strain
On my body and my brain
In answer to my plea
You went up the other side of the tree
Cut my pants leg to the knee
And suddenly I was free
I never will forget you there all muddy
And me there helpless and all bloody
You held my hand as we crossed the field
And you visited me often until I was healed
I still wake up at night in a sweat
That day on the tree I shall never forget
You can take me to the chapel
You can give me a bottle of Snapple
But you can never get me to eat an apple.
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Winter Worries Nov 30 2017
Winter Worries ©Tony Fallon 113017
It’s just after Thanksgiving here in the cold Northeast
The family was here together it was a wonderful feast
Late November days are upon us nothing more will grow
All we have to look forward to is constant sleet and snow
Of course each winter night we’ll have ice and frost
No two other things account for so many workdays lost
You’ll have to invest in salt because I’m sure it’s feared
Someone might fall if you don’t keep the driveway cleared
The days are shorter they’ve already changed the clocks
And some of us are already wearing two pairs of socks
A wise investment for the winter is a pair of heavy boots
And for the skier's waterproof thermal winter suits
And just in case you should be isolated in a winter storm
Buy a few of the things in a bag that keep your fingers warm
But most important is a warm hat for your head
Because you lose the most body heat there, it is said.
I laugh at people who at the cold curse and swear
They should be like me get on the thermal underwear
A scarf for your neck and gloves to prevent chilblains
They keep the warm blood flowing through your veins
But the best advice you’ll hear straight from my mouth
Is next year in October pack up the car and start heading south
This is #30 for November Mission accomplished.
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Advise,Sin & the Sally Rod (1121)
Advice sin and the sally rod © Tony Fallon 112117
If you took every bit of advice that was suggested
You probably never would have been arrested
Don’t do this and don’t do that and do not sin
If you paid attention you’d be in the loony bin
You probably never would have been arrested
Don’t do this and don’t do that and do not sin
If you paid attention you’d be in the loony bin
Parents were very strict you couldn’t break a rule
Teachers were tougher when you went to school
Read and spell subtract multiply and divide
And she used the sally rod if you ever lied
Teachers were tougher when you went to school
Read and spell subtract multiply and divide
And she used the sally rod if you ever lied
Between the priest and teacher, your head would spin
When they started to tell you the ugly ways of sin
At a mission, those wild priests would loudly yell
That everybody in our parish was headed straight for hell
When they started to tell you the ugly ways of sin
At a mission, those wild priests would loudly yell
That everybody in our parish was headed straight for hell
The cruelty in schools should not have been tolerated
Rules and sally rods should have been confiscated
That this cruelty continued so long after the uprising
Is amazing and if alive they should be apologizing
Rules and sally rods should have been confiscated
That this cruelty continued so long after the uprising
Is amazing and if alive they should be apologizing
I guess it didn’t hurt us our sins to confess
And the strictness kept some of us out of distress
But they say mistreated children never will forget
I never beat my children and I have no regret.
And the strictness kept some of us out of distress
But they say mistreated children never will forget
I never beat my children and I have no regret.
boyhood alarm
Boyhood Alarm© Tony Fallon 112817
I was in my uncle’s garden climbing up the apple tree
When the branch broke and I fell and cut my right knee
There were no bones broken but there was a lot of blood
So I must have looked a sorry sight sitting there in the mud
You said if it was broken I’d be treated like cattle and horses
I’d have to be shot after they’d brought in the armed forces
I had never seen you before and despite being very pretty
Talking about having me shot I could see you lacked pity
I asked if you could go in and ask the woman known as granny
I asked if you could go in and ask the woman known as granny
For soap and a towel but not mention it to my uncle Danny
You went in and said “there’s someone dying out in the yard
And if he doesn’t die soon, for life he definitely will be scarred”
You almost gave poor granny an instant heart attack
And she tripped over the sleeping dog trying to get out back
She banged her head on the closet you thought she was dying
So you abandoned us and ran to your mother crying
So now in our family, there were two people down
Who was going to help us my auntie had gone to town
Unbeknownst to me Uncle Danny had taken the jeep
And was over in the main farm checking on the sheep
So granny was unconscious and I didn’t want to walk
And you were crying so much you couldn’t even talk
Thank God your poor mother became a bit alarmed
And worried that her neighbors had been harmed
I don’t know what she thought when she found me
Sitting with a bloodied knee in the muck beneath the tree
But once she found my granny I was quickly ignored
And no one bothered with me until granny was restored
After the excitement, you did come out with a cup of tea
And sounded like you were worried about my wounded knee
Thank God my cut was not too deep and I wasn’t maimed
It did get infected and for a week or so it was a bit inflamed
But I did recover fully and it didn’t really affect my life
I never imagined when I was seven you’d one day be my wife.
It’s Nov 28. 28 down and 2 to go
Thanksgiving Night
Thanksgiving Night © Tony Fallon 112817
The Thanksgiving feast was over and I sat beside the fire
You had given me a glass of whisky I felt like a squire
The house was as quiet as a mouse no one but us pair
Four hours before it was almost as busy as Times Square
Having everybody here this year lightened your workload
And we weren’t down in Yonkers looking at a big long road
An awful lot of turkey and trimming had quickly disappeared
And thanks to the grandchildren the table was finally cleared
And even you held your tongue and never once complained
When cranberries fell on the carpet and it was badly stained
With all the fun the family had the day will not be dismissed
And the love we have for each as they gathered in our midst
I’m sure you are as proud as I of the family we’ve created
And how we always stick together cannot be understated
The family sure keeps changing as we go from year to year
And all the memories formed today will never disappear.
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Thanksgiving night Walmart (1126)
Thanksgiving © Tony Fallon 112617
Thanksgiving Day just went astray
And I went to visit Wallmart
I parked the car at the Irish Bar
And I got a small shopping cart
Inside I took a seat full of turkey meat
It always makes me sleepy
I was full of food and not in a shopping mood
I wished I was home in my teepee
I saw lust in the eyes of big strong guys
Sometimes with big fat ladies
Heading for a tool or clothes for school
I bet they had a big Mercedes
I saw children scheming and other screaming
While other continued to roam
They continued pouting the father was shouting
One more word and we’re going home
Well I got tired of the show and counted my dough
And moved off with my trolley
I’m past buying toys for girls and boys
I was just looking for mistletoe and holly
I was really amazed as I longing gazed
At very updated computer
It had a CD Rom and an Email with com
It also had something called a router
But my heart was set on a ratchet set
That came with 3 sets of sockets
Oil resistant boots and mechanics suits
That came with a whole lot of pockets
Many times before when I went to a store
Especially on a big black Friday
There was many a fight after being on line all night
You might even get thrown down a stairway
You didn’t need to pull the shelves were all full
And the store had plenty of stock on pallets
To satisfy your need or satisfy your greed
And prices to match most customers wallets
Mistaken © Tony Fallon 112617
I met a man in the Supermarket and I said Hello
His response was a little biteeen slow
I told him who I was he said he didn’t know
I said since I owned the store that was a little weird
He said maybe it’s because of the hair and the beard
Did you ever think of getting both of them sheared?
What could I say to a man who was so very rude?
I could think of many words but they were rather crude
I guessed what he had for breakfast and was probably stewed
So the next time your shopping let this be a warning
Be careful to whom you say “the top of the morning”
Had it been a pretty girl she might have said I was flirtatious
But all the pretty girls I know would have been more gracious
Changes? © Tony Fallon 112517
You said I’ll have to change
The ways and things that I do
My thoughts rearrange
Our relationship up for review
My changes must be very soon
There can be no delay
This surely is inopportune
And my thoughts are in disarray.
Maybe it’s you should be having a bloody exam
Maybe you need an overhaul
You’ll have to take me just as I am
Or you can’t have me at all
I cannot be what I aren’t
I can only be what I am
You’ll have to settle for the current
And I don’t give a damn
Friday, November 24, 2017
Day of the Poet
Day of the Poet © Tony Fallon 112417
Tomorrow morning early I have to get up and dressed
And then drive up to Colonie for a poetry contest
The day is run by a famous poet named Brian Dorn
Who will be at the Library since very early morn
To enter the competition there is no entry fee
And the winner goes home with the CapitaLand Trophy
The audience at least last year was very attentive
And for the readers, there is a cash prize incentive
The Library room will be set with the best of sound
And in the room we read in the champion will be crowned
There will also be an Open Mike for all the nominees
To get us all settled down to get us all at ease.
When that segment is over the reading will begin
And everybody will try their best to go out there and win
There will be two rounds of reading before the cup is won
But if too many should apply there will be only one
I do not envy the judges as they go about their task
I hope I don’t see any of them drinking from a flask.
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Limitations © Tony Fallon 112317
Ochone, Ochone I’m sitting here crying
I’m supposed to write another poem and I’m trying
To write thirty poems means a lot of elbow grease
And I’d feel like a failure if the number should decrease
I’m supposed to write another poem and I’m trying
To write thirty poems means a lot of elbow grease
And I’d feel like a failure if the number should decrease
Last week I was four behind but now I’m down to two
But November is almost finished and December is in view.
I’m no good at all with deadlines and this is causing strain
I won’t do it in December I’m becoming quite profane
But November is almost finished and December is in view.
I’m no good at all with deadlines and this is causing strain
I won’t do it in December I’m becoming quite profane
This is the kind of requirements that you can’t postpone
I don’t even have time to talk to my girlfriend on the phone
I’ll have to stop getting myself into stressful situations
And realize that at my age I have certain limitations
I don’t even have time to talk to my girlfriend on the phone
I’ll have to stop getting myself into stressful situations
And realize that at my age I have certain limitations
The Thanksgiving Diner.(2014)
...The Thanksgiving Diner from Hell.
Copyright by Tony Fallon March 21,2014.
Today I’ve come to this restaurant, I do not know its name,
I’m such a fussy eater, I don’t know why I came.
You’re such a pretty waitress, just like my granddaughter,
I’ll have a cup of tea later, but my guest is fond of water.
I have so many allergies, I sound like I’m always whining,
But I’m a fairly good tipper, if I enjoy Thanksgiving dining.
She’s conscious of her figure, I’m conscious of my weight,
So I don’t want fattening things, like butter on our plate.
And don’t think you’ll load me up, on white Italian bread,
I only want whole wheat, or nutty grainy stuff instead.
When you place my salad order you must be stressing,
That it is going back , if he uses any kind of dressing
Don’t put onions or beans in my soup I have a classy date,
And never serve me cabbage or garlic, they make me flatuate.
Don’t mention any beef dishes to me, that’s not tony fallonish,
and chicken are ok, and the swimming kinds of fish.
There’s one thing I won’t eat in a restaurant, I have to be frank,
Those orange colored things with claws, you keep in a tank.
For the main course, well cookedTurkey legs and thighs,
A good selection of vegetables, and plenty of home fries.
Baked are just as good, when it comes to the potatoes
But don’t make me sick, by bringing green fried tomatoes.
I don’t want any additives, and you’ll be held at fault,
If my stuffing and potatoes, are loaded up with salt.
Don’t mention mustards, peppers, spices or Indian curry,
Copyright by Tony Fallon March 21,2014.
Today I’ve come to this restaurant, I do not know its name,
I’m such a fussy eater, I don’t know why I came.
You’re such a pretty waitress, just like my granddaughter,
I’ll have a cup of tea later, but my guest is fond of water.
I have so many allergies, I sound like I’m always whining,
But I’m a fairly good tipper, if I enjoy Thanksgiving dining.
She’s conscious of her figure, I’m conscious of my weight,
So I don’t want fattening things, like butter on our plate.
And don’t think you’ll load me up, on white Italian bread,
I only want whole wheat, or nutty grainy stuff instead.
When you place my salad order you must be stressing,
That it is going back , if he uses any kind of dressing
Don’t put onions or beans in my soup I have a classy date,
And never serve me cabbage or garlic, they make me flatuate.
Don’t mention any beef dishes to me, that’s not tony fallonish,
There’s one thing I won’t eat in a restaurant, I have to be frank,
Those orange colored things with claws, you keep in a tank.
For the main course, well cooked
A good selection of vegetables, and plenty of home fries.
Baked are just as good, when it comes to the potatoes
But don’t make me sick, by bringing green fried tomatoes.
I don’t want any additives, and you’ll be held at fault,
If my stuffing and potatoes, are loaded up with salt.
Don’t mention mustards, peppers, spices or Indian curry,
And cook the turkey properly we are in no big hurry
For liquid no beer or wine, just a cup of Lipton tea,
And I don’t want heavy cream, just a little milk, fat free.
But I have one weakness, you’ll find out before I depart
I may take two or three helping, from the dessert cart.
And when I’m paying up, I always check the final amount,
And since I’m over 70, I want a Senior Citizen’s Discount.
And I don’t want heavy cream, just a little milk, fat free.
But I have one weakness, you’ll find out before I depart
I may take two or three helping, from the dessert cart.
And when I’m paying up, I always check the final amount,
And since I’m over 70, I want a Senior Citizen’s Discount.
This poem is
protected under the International Intellectual
property code and is 100% owned by the author named above.
property code and is 100% owned by the author named above.
You are
permitted to SHARE but not COPY AND PASTE.
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
pecking order
Pecking order © Tony Fallon
It’s Thanksgiving Day and you
are expecting a crowd
Will you again be ridiculed
will you be cowed?
One holiday a year you are
the waiter and chef
And if you should ever ask
for help everyone is deaf
From the moment they came did
they just complain?
Did they treat you like you
were a real birdbrain?
Do they all sit around and
watch you sweating?
Does anybody help you with
the table setting?
Are you the kind who is
always smiling?
While inside your blood is
really boiling
Are you afraid to stand up
for your rights?
Because in the past it always
led to fights
Are you afraid to stand up
and maybe lose face?
So when nobody is looking you
go to the hiding place
And sip the magic that should
make you brave
But it does not make the
other people behave
So now you go for a refill
and you’re speaking jargon
And you are feeling great
anxiety into the bargain
This family gathering is
slowly heading towards disorder
And it’s all because in this
family there’s a pecking order
You are the youngest and
supposed to be a good sport
So if you stand up for
yourself you will get no support
You have spent two whole days
in the kitchen slaving
So you have to decide if this
annual affair is worth saving
Joseph Stone
Joseph Stone © Tony Fallon
Joseph Stone lived all alone
Never bothered nobody
Whittled goods out of woods
And they were not shoddy
Loved race horses and race courses
In Ohio and Kentucky
Wanted to be a jockey was too stocky
He felt so unluckyFought for Sam in
And he almost drowned
Bullet hole outside Seoul
Left his mind unsound
Went off an zero came home a
Head of the big parade
But no work not even as a
Joseph felt betrayed
No more to pawn he became
Happy with his Mountain Dew
Sitting on a log talking to
his dog
Drinking, drinking déjà vu
Alone he sang in mountain
Of women he’d have married
Dreaming scheming often
From shrapnel that he carried
Victims of war are often poor
No chance to build a nest egg
A monthly check for a human
Alone with his wooden leg
Left all alone in his
twilight zone
A veteran treated rotten
A lonely grave for a man so
Joseph must not be forgotten
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Annette The girl from Fuerty(102417)
Annette © Tony Fallon 102417
In my computer, I have many pictures in Google Chrome
They are pictures of Rahara where I once called home
Often when I look at them many tears are shed
Especially at night before I go to my bed
No matter how I fight it gloom quickly descends
When I look at pictures of my parents and friends
But there is one picture that causes great regret
That lovely girl from Fuerty by the name of Annette
In my computer, I have many pictures in Google Chrome
They are pictures of Rahara where I once called home
Often when I look at them many tears are shed
Especially at night before I go to my bed
No matter how I fight it gloom quickly descends
When I look at pictures of my parents and friends
But there is one picture that causes great regret
That lovely girl from Fuerty by the name of Annette
She could sing like a lark and she had two dancing feet
When she danced jigs or reels she never missed a beat
Many nights in the 60’s we went dancing hand in hand
On the Racecourse road in Reynolds’s Fairyland
To be the one in her company I was so very proud
And I was the envy of many young men in the crowd
No matter how hard I try I never shall forget
That lovely girl from Fuerty by the name of Annette
When she danced jigs or reels she never missed a beat
Many nights in the 60’s we went dancing hand in hand
On the Racecourse road in Reynolds’s Fairyland
To be the one in her company I was so very proud
And I was the envy of many young men in the crowd
No matter how hard I try I never shall forget
That lovely girl from Fuerty by the name of Annette
We both got jobs in town when our education was complete
And we often spent our lunch hour walking on Main Street
It made her very sad that I was headed for Manhattan
We both loved languages and often spoke openly in Latin
When people heard us talking they thought we were praying
Of course, very few people had any idea what we were saying
We often sang of Ballymoe we were the perfect duet
We probably would have been big stars, Tony and Annette.
And we often spent our lunch hour walking on Main Street
It made her very sad that I was headed for Manhattan
We both loved languages and often spoke openly in Latin
When people heard us talking they thought we were praying
Of course, very few people had any idea what we were saying
We often sang of Ballymoe we were the perfect duet
We probably would have been big stars, Tony and Annette.
If you start out with nothing it’s hard to produce
There was no hope of a golden egg from any golden goose
Like much more before me I had to head for foreign parts
Now in America and Ireland, there were two broken hearts
I thought for sure I’d be headed for foreign wars
But I’d had far too many operations and too many scars
A few years later I returned but was really upset
For Fuerty was no longer the home of my darling Annette.
There was no hope of a golden egg from any golden goose
Like much more before me I had to head for foreign parts
Now in America and Ireland, there were two broken hearts
I thought for sure I’d be headed for foreign wars
But I’d had far too many operations and too many scars
A few years later I returned but was really upset
For Fuerty was no longer the home of my darling Annette.
The Sky 112117
The sky © Tony Fallon 112117
I think of you every night when I look up in the sky
And wonder why you walked away this past July
I look to east and west until I find a superstar
I stare at it until it blinks which is quite bizarre
I think of you especially when the sky is overcast
I thought our love for each other would last and last
When I see the moon arising I think of your glance
And the year we spent together it was pure romance
But a moon only last for thirty nights and is then reborn
I do not grieve for the old moon but for you, I mourn
I marvel at all the stars that are in the Milky Way
But just like you, my love they are so far away
There are many more stars than women in a sky chart
But you’d have to search forever to find a kinder heart
When a star shoots across the sky it never more will shine
Like the love you shared with me will never more be mine
Monday, November 20, 2017
By the Lake....(71417)
By the Lake © Tony Fallon71417
By yon lake, there lived a maid in Levi dungarees
And she had them cut off just below the knees
She had roses round the door of her spotless bungalow
She had a Scottish accent she grew up in Glasgow
Whenever she went walking she took her pocketbook
I don’t know what was in there I never got to look
I planned my walk each evening I thought she was groovy
Much prettier than any girl I had ever seen in any movie.
At first, I was very shy and said: “may I join in your trek?”
When she agreed I had to keep my excitement in check
Her dog was a tail wagger full of warmth and grace
If I bent down to pet him he’d lovingly lick my face
Conscious of my upbringing at first I was a little bit demure
And often used big words to sound a bit more mature
To be in her company any evening really was a treasure
We slowly walked the country lanes at a pace of leisure
She was prepared for anything with a walking stick umbrella
She was prepared for anything with a walking stick umbrella
I silently prayed that I would rain so I’d be closer to Stella
When it came to nature around she had a great attitude
You could tell she loved being alive and was full of gratitude
I often wondered if I didn’t show up would she walk so far
Or would she just accept a ride from someone in a car
I know that if she was missing I’d probably fret and brood
And would not at all enjoy the unexpected solitude
In the six years I knew her we walked hundreds of miles
And the things that she told me gave me hundreds of smiles
In all those years she never walked out with any other fellas
And if she had walked out with them I would have been jealous
When I left for America her tears flowed like falling rain
And I was bawling like a baby myself as I took my seat in the train
To everybody in the village, we must have been an odd pair
The gangly teenager and the forty-year-old with grey ribs in her hair
I told my wife in America I was coming home for an old friends wake
I didn’t specify it was Stella, the blind girl, who lived by yon lake
Sunday, November 19, 2017
Monday Blues
Monday Blues © Tony Fallon 111917.
Did you ever get up and while you were moping around in the shower
Wish to the good God above you could go back to sleep for an hour?
It always happens on a Monday when you are not in the best form
And you know when you get to work you will not be able to perform
That one last drink for the road was in no way your greatest idea
It would have been better to get some food in the local pizzeria
Always at work on a Monday there’s usually a very heavy workload
Your stomach is feeling very queasy and your head is about to explode
In your brain is there is no enthusiasm, in fact, you are no way inspired
The reason you won’t stay at home you know very well you’ll get fired
Every Monday you make the same promise and at the end of the year
That you will cut back on the booze and you never again will touch beer
You may think you are sinning and on Saturday you’ll line up to confess
The priest will forgive you and you are free once again to transgress
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Here Goes 111817
Here Goes© Tony Fallon 111817
My pen is loaded my head is clear
I drank a cup of tea instead of beer
Actually, I’m sitting before my computer
But saying I had a pen sounds so much cuter
I would also say it probably gives the impression
That something good will come out of this session
Alas when I sat down I had nothing planned
Certainly nothing X rated that would be banned
There were no magic words or rhymes in my head
I wasn’t going to comment about something I’d read
I could tell about last night when I had no date
And three married women said I looked great
I had my long hair in a rubber band tied up nice
As I entered the Shamrock even Jennie looked twice
I had been at a funeral and was neatly dressed
And I could tell the women were really impressed
Next weekend I must go where there are singles
It would be exciting if they are all bilinguals.
So that’s all the information I have to convey
I wonder if this qualifies as my”Poem a Day”?
Winter in the Norteast......(2016)
Winter in the North East © by Tony Fallon.
I think I must be growing older
Every morning it feels much colder
It’s definitely colder than last year
Maybe not there but certainly here
My fingers are numb also my toes
So are my ears and my nose.
Next week we are promised a foot of snow
The sun is shining and it’s four below
The grandkids are happy they will be skiing
This is not normal weather for a human being
You have to have snow tires on your car
If you are going shopping or to an Irish bar
It doesn’t matter if you are poor or rich
If you hit black ice you wind up in a ditch
You always have to be on the lookout for deer
There are plenty around this time of year
I hate living where everybody is whining
I want to be in a place where the sun is shining
I don’t know about the Plains and Nebraska
I certainly don’t envy Susan up in Alaska
This is not the life I should be living
Next year I’ll be in Florida by Thanksgiving
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Riley © Tony Fallon 111617
Riley was only
When he went to
doggie Heaven
The pride of
Finbar’s life
His children and
his wife
Fond of walking
and the chase
Loving eyes loving
Barks in happiness
but never snarls
A typical Cavalier
King Charles
To its owner no
lack of devotion
Once outside no lack
of motion
The dog that was
always supporting
The master that he
was escorting
“Man’s best friend”
is not clichéd
Memories just will
not fade
Memories will always
be present
Memories will
always be pleasant
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
The Streets of Birmingham.....(2017)
The Streets of Birmingham © Tony Fallon 2017.
The Streets of Birmingham ©
Tony Fallon 2017.
Before I met you that day I was as cold as ice
In twenty four hours I only ate one bowl of rice
Not only was my body cold but also my soul
I had given up any hope I would ever be whole
You gave me coffee and some bread,cheese and ham
On the cold and lonely streets of Birmingham
I knew at once you were from the Emerald Isle
The moment you spoke to me and I saw that smile
You told me you were going home on the boat
As from your purse you handed me a five pound note
You looked so lovely in your cape and gown
I was shocked when you mentioned your hometown
I was embarrassed humiliated and full of shame
And far too self conscious to ask your name
For that was the town where I spent my boyhood
Motherless and bitter and misunderstood
I used to paint scenery and I used to draw
That was not manly enough for my paw
I first visited Paris then went to Amsterdam
And was finally on the streets of Birmingham
I told you my name and you stood there awed
And you kept on repeating "Oh My God"
You said I was considered the cream of the crop
My pictures were sold in many a Tullamore shop
You said my father found dozens in a closet
And experts raved about the blended composite
You told me then your name was Bridget Cunningham
And I'd never sleep again on the streets of Birmingham
Well you bought me some new clothes and odds and ends
Then took me back to Ireland and shocked all our friends
My father had put all the money in an account
I was surprised when he gave me the full amount
He said he had longed for the day I would arrive
And had prayed every night that I was still alive
I regretted the pain I had caused him as a child
And I am so glad that because of you we reconciled
I've again taken up my pencil brush and paint
And I thank the Lord for sending me a saint
We walk the streets of Tullamore with our baby and pram
And I will never go back to the streets of Birmingham
Before I met you that day I was as cold as ice
In twenty four hours I only ate one bowl of rice
Not only was my body cold but also my soul
I had given up any hope I would ever be whole
You gave me coffee and some bread,cheese and ham
On the cold and lonely streets of Birmingham
I knew at once you were from the Emerald Isle
The moment you spoke to me and I saw that smile
You told me you were going home on the boat
As from your purse you handed me a five pound note
You looked so lovely in your cape and gown
I was shocked when you mentioned your hometown
I was embarrassed humiliated and full of shame
And far too self conscious to ask your name
For that was the town where I spent my boyhood
Motherless and bitter and misunderstood
I used to paint scenery and I used to draw
That was not manly enough for my paw
I first visited Paris then went to Amsterdam
And was finally on the streets of Birmingham
I told you my name and you stood there awed
And you kept on repeating "Oh My God"
You said I was considered the cream of the crop
My pictures were sold in many a Tullamore shop
You said my father found dozens in a closet
And experts raved about the blended composite
You told me then your name was Bridget Cunningham
And I'd never sleep again on the streets of Birmingham
Well you bought me some new clothes and odds and ends
Then took me back to Ireland and shocked all our friends
My father had put all the money in an account
I was surprised when he gave me the full amount
He said he had longed for the day I would arrive
And had prayed every night that I was still alive
I regretted the pain I had caused him as a child
And I am so glad that because of you we reconciled
I've again taken up my pencil brush and paint
And I thank the Lord for sending me a saint
We walk the streets of Tullamore with our baby and pram
And I will never go back to the streets of Birmingham
Doggie Heaven 111517
Doggie Heaven © Tony Fallon 111517
When I get to heaven which is supposed to be in outer space
Will the favorite dog I ever had, be there to lick my face?
Will he want to go for a walk or for an evening run?
Or chase after a stick or ball and have a lot of fun?
Maybe after being gone so long he’ll have another master
I mustn’t think like that it would be a total disaster
I’m sure someone would come along someone who was clever
And I couldn’t blame the dog he couldn’t wait forever
Of course, there is the other possibility to be assumed
That the friendship of man and dog will not be resumed
And somewhere in a place like Norway or Sweden
The dogs and cats we once knew will have a Garden of Eden
Monday, November 13, 2017
The Girl from Athenry.....(10517)
The girl from Athenry © Tony fallon10517
I left a girl in Dublin in two thousand and three
I wonder if she’s still alive and if she thinks of me
She came from County Galway and the town of Athenry
As I said goodbye to her that day I tried hard not to cry
She said for my return she would forever sadly wait
She became hysterical as I walked through the gate
I wonder if she’s still alive and if she thinks of me
She came from County Galway and the town of Athenry
As I said goodbye to her that day I tried hard not to cry
She said for my return she would forever sadly wait
She became hysterical as I walked through the gate
Well when I landed in America I got blinded by the stars
And I was quickly introduced to cheap booze in the Irish bars
I played soccer for years in The Cosmopolitan New York league
And at Christmas, I’d send a few dollars to my folks in Athleague
She mailed me many love letters always asking for a quick reply
But sure I was useless at writing letters to the girl from Athenry
And I was quickly introduced to cheap booze in the Irish bars
I played soccer for years in The Cosmopolitan New York league
And at Christmas, I’d send a few dollars to my folks in Athleague
She mailed me many love letters always asking for a quick reply
But sure I was useless at writing letters to the girl from Athenry
After being here for six months or so I met an old girlfriend
There was some spark left still and I didn’t want to offend
I guess I burned the candle at both ends and finally got burned
The girl in Dublin would barely talk to me when I returned
When I came back to New York the one here said goodbye
Someone had seen me in Dublin with the girl from Atherny
There was some spark left still and I didn’t want to offend
I guess I burned the candle at both ends and finally got burned
The girl in Dublin would barely talk to me when I returned
When I came back to New York the one here said goodbye
Someone had seen me in Dublin with the girl from Atherny
I’m working in construction in New York without a wife
I tell everyone who’ll listen I enjoy the single life
I also say I don’t want to be tied down that I’d rather be free
But being single in New York isn’t all it’s cracked up to be
I never will forget the Galway girl and the day we said goodbye
I wonder if she’s still in Dublin or she went home to Athenry
I tell everyone who’ll listen I enjoy the single life
I also say I don’t want to be tied down that I’d rather be free
But being single in New York isn’t all it’s cracked up to be
I never will forget the Galway girl and the day we said goodbye
I wonder if she’s still in Dublin or she went home to Athenry
So if you are ever in Dublin and you meet this Galway maid
Tell her you met the man she once loved who had strayed
Tell her that he knows he did her wrong and is full of regret
He would fly to her arms once more if she would just forget
He can’t forget her smile or her eyes as blue as an Irish sky
He’d go home in the morning to be with the girl from Athenry
>This is a copyrighted article for your reading pleasure only.<
Tell her you met the man she once loved who had strayed
Tell her that he knows he did her wrong and is full of regret
He would fly to her arms once more if she would just forget
He can’t forget her smile or her eyes as blue as an Irish sky
He’d go home in the morning to be with the girl from Athenry
>This is a copyrighted article for your reading pleasure only.<
Dirty Laundry© Tony Fallon 111317
Dirty Laundry© Tony Fallon 111317
If you have dirty laundry that has not be washed
Why post it on Facebook unless you are sloshed?
This is not a viewing place for any underwear
And ninety-nine percent here don’t even care
They may indeed be embarrassed by your rants
And even more embarrassed by your ugly chants
Next time you have a quarrel with family or friend
It is better to sit down and try some fences to mend
Than posting here on FB in a very agitated state
And telling all the world how much you hate and hate
This will not encourage others to ever be your friends
This could be the same way another friendship ends
A household of nine,,,,,(2015)
A household of nine.(C) Tony Fallon
How can a household of nine
Live at the poverty line
Live at the poverty line
Baby needs some shoes
Father wants a jug of booze
Junior needs new school gear
Mommy wants a pack of beer
Jimmy needs sneakers and sweats
Grandma needs more cigarettes
The teenagers need new togs
Someone one else wants hot dogs
In the fridge, there is no food,
Not even scraps to be stewed
Lack of food seems to incite
Thought of anger day and nigh
The food closet is often bare
The food closet is often bare
Time to ask for more welfare
Jane needs a new mini skirt
Plus go to a rock concert
Paul bouncing a basketball
Off the kitchen floor and wall
Does not heed his fathers call
And causes anew family brawl
Mom tells dad he doesn’t care
Dad grabs mommy by the hair
Words and dishes start to fly
Mommy gets a new black eye
Oh my god when will this stop
One more visit from the cop
Mom will not press charges
While her swollen face enlarges
Dad can’t take this anymore
Therefore he storms out the door
He is going for some crack
God knows when he's coming back
This whole scene is just so wrong
How can these kids grow up strong?
The mood there is always chill
Someone should have bought the pill
Sunday, November 12, 2017
I'm the Key man
I’m the Keyman © Tony Fallon Dec 2016.
I got a call from Home Depot at half past three
Wanting to know if I had a blank Corbin key
It had a zero or an O which it was he didn’t know
I told him that if it was a Corbin it had to be an O
He asked me if I had three or four in stock
I said “yes but I would be closing at five o’clock”
With all this information he seemed a little shocked
That I had the key and my store would soon be locked
Well he said I’ll not delay her I’ll send her on her way
She’ll be there tomorrow if she doesn’t make it today.
Well who should appear later only Alicia Kristoferson
The blanks I had were not exact so I only made her one
It was properly lined but not properly grooved
And once you make the cut it cannot be improved
We chatted for a while we seemed to have great rapport
And she said if the key worked she’d come back for more
I know very well with my keys you can lock your door.
The best keys in Greene County are made in my store
She called and said it locks the front door and she feels secure
She’ll come back to my store for more copies I’m pretty sure.
Saturday, November 11, 2017
A bad romance (1111)
A bad romance © Tony Fallon 111117
I once knew a girl who was in love with a man
She was also in love with his money
I remember very well when the romance began
She used to call him her honey
She was also in love with his money
I remember very well when the romance began
She used to call him her honey
She complimented him often his praises she’d sing
While they were just out courting
The situation soon changed once she had the ring
And they were no longer consorting
While they were just out courting
The situation soon changed once she had the ring
And they were no longer consorting
A man knows very quickly maybe the first night
If he wound up marrying a fake
If she is arrogant and not very polite
He knows he’s made a mistake
If he wound up marrying a fake
If she is arrogant and not very polite
He knows he’s made a mistake
If the hotel room has two single beds
And it was she who made the reservation
How could this be the room for two newlyweds?
It was time for some sort of investigation
And it was she who made the reservation
How could this be the room for two newlyweds?
It was time for some sort of investigation
Well he called her a fake and he called her a phony
And he questioned her love and desire
Had she sold her heart and soul for alimony
Instead of a true love, she was just a liar
And he questioned her love and desire
Had she sold her heart and soul for alimony
Instead of a true love, she was just a liar
He then realized he’d been taken for a fool
His money was spent he was very frustrated
This lassie was just crafty and cruel
Thank God this union was not consummated.
His money was spent he was very frustrated
This lassie was just crafty and cruel
Thank God this union was not consummated.
Well he stood half-dressed gone pale and pallid
Thinking I don’t think she’s legally my spouse
I don’t think our marriage is valid
And she never got to move into his house
Thinking I don’t think she’s legally my spouse
I don’t think our marriage is valid
And she never got to move into his house
When I die (1111)
When I die © Tony Fallon 111117
Whether I die in May or December
Our days together I will always remember
Your picture will be the last one I will see
I hope that you will also be thinking of me
When I get to heaven I’ll stay at the gate
For your arrival, I will patiently wait
If you should go first can I assume?
That you’ll wait too if you don’t have a groom
If you do come alone I will be so pleased
And my hell on earth will be finally erased
I want to be with you until the end of time
As we sit together and talk and write in rhyme
I’m sure in heaven they have the karaoke
We can line dance and do the hokey pokey
Even if you do bring a permanent mate
We could still engage in intelligent debate
We could also embrace without any sinning
There’s been no sin in heaven since the beginning
That’s of course if you don’t consider Lucifer’s pride
And he very quickly found himself outside
I hope that heaven is a commune
Where all could hang out in the light of the moon
And since be both like risky activity
And we're never in favor of captivity
It would be so exciting if we can visit hell
And reminisce with sinners we knew so well
I’m sure they will all greet us with a smile
They’ll be glad to get out of the heat for a while
These thoughts of eternity are so inspiring
I think I’m looking forward to finally expiring
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