Friday, January 5, 2018

The 3 wheeled Volkswagen ©Tony Fallon121415

The 3 wheeled Volkswagen ©Tony Fallon121415

I have a friend in South Cairo Seymor Kokonis by name
He built a strange vehicle which had brought him great  fame
It has the front wheel and handles bar of a motor bicycle
But two wheels in the back make it look like a tricycle.
He cut a beetle in two and threw the front half it in the dump
But kept the shock absorbers and springs so it wouldn't bump
He is so proud of his invention and he's always braggin'
And he should be very proud of his three wheels Volkswagen.

It goes forward or reverses because of all the gears
He claims that he's been riding it for nearly twenty years.
It's only good for fine days because there is no cover
And if he doesn’t wear a helmet the cops say  “pull over”,
Because the engine is in the back he doesn’t need a chain
But he doesn’t take it on the road if it's going to rain.
He gets up to fifty on one forty five so he's never laggin’
As he cruises round East Durham on his three wheel Volkswagen.

There is no anti freeze as the engine is air cooled
And just like other Volkswagens it is gasoline fueled.
It gets great miles to the gallon so he's rarely at the pump
And because it’s a standard gear box he never needs a jump.
There is no windshield on it so he never needs blades,
And he looks like a real ‘cool cat’ riding round in shades
He cuts a dashing figure as he waves to all the folks
As he drives around Greene County on his three wheel Volks.

The whole machine is controlled with many sturdy cables
And held together with weld not with string and staples
He keeps it in tip top shape it is it annually inspected
It passes the test every year and was never once rejected
I don't know if he could ever drive it in any other states
But in New York it's legal and they've given him two plates
This means we can't complain if he drives around in Greene
On his unique, homemade, three wheel Volkswagen machine.

No matter what the weather he doesn’t need air condition
It doesn’t burn oil so there are no problems with emission
On the foot rests he has no levers or controls
But has to be on the lookout, for any big pot holes.
His tires are belted radials his brakes in their prime
If a deer crossed the road he could stop it on a dime.
It has limitations and in winter it must be stored

But no one else has ever made one like it not even Henry Ford.

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